The SMP War

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DaybreakerMC, Feb 10, 2015.


Will you fight?

Yes 49 vote(s) 71.0%
Ies 20 vote(s) 29.0%
  1. I never actually pictured SMP8 as the "war" type of place. More like the "oh my goodness, what are you doing, please stop" kind of place.
    Gawadrolt and ScarTheNinja like this.
  2. But I've heard that they joined smp4's side...
  3. Or maybe the "piz arols" server. :p SMP8 is all kinds of things.
  4. It's true we are many things, but none of those would be considered "normal".
  5. On the plus side, SMP2 had Aphaea. On the negative side, SMP2 is 85% populated by squeakers...

    Cannon fodder.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  6. Did they all migrate to smp2 from smp9?
    ScarTheNinja likes this.
  7. OK good then we need all the help we can get and smp6 we might have people represent the soldiers we are mainly just prank in in fact I went around on smp9 with fireworks and caused people a lot of lag.
  8. smp6 may own the pvp arena but we have the best pvp player on emc Chocolate800.
  9. And btw I suggest that the battlefield be the pvp arena on smp6.
  10. When we are all ready.
  11. And smp1..? What about us? :O
  12. When I say everyone that includes smp1.
  13. Has anyone rallied the call on smp7? I haven't spent a WHOLE lot of time on other servers but at a month and a half I still always feel like I'm the new person on the server. With so many people having played for so long on the server, surely there is a bite behind the silent... lack of a bark? XD
  14. SMP3 waits until the servers kill each other off, then mine out their natural resources.
  15. God knows its economy needs them :rolleyes:
  16. I have a firework. Just one, but still. ;)
  17. I'm the potion master of SMP2. SMP7, 8, and 9 never stand a chance against my witchery! Also SMP2 has SHARD BEARER POWER!
  18. Nukes SMP2
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  19. Brings the wrath of SHARD BEARERS upon SMP3.
  20. Smp2 stays out of this. Otherwise, I tell the squeakers that smp3 has a higher diamond content and horses spawn in town.
    Gawadrolt likes this.