The SMP War

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DaybreakerMC, Feb 10, 2015.


Will you fight?

Yes 49 vote(s) 71.0%
Ies 20 vote(s) 29.0%
  1. Huehuehue, our missiles will destroy your weak servers.
  2. Did you not see our nukes? They're packed with tnt and chickens! Fear us!
  3. And ours are packed with attack squids and staff members!
    bloodra1n likes this.
  4. We have squids too :rolleyes:
    We also have staff members!
    Allengero? Hello? *sigh*
    bigdavie? Oh hiiii- */hide*
  5. I'm not really sure how to input or what to say, but I'm all for SMP6 stealing Carl... c:<
    Perry_Stahlsis likes this.
  6. SMP2's allies: SMP4, and maybe SMP6, if they except our pure awesomeness, we will share our technology with them. Here's a little taste of our tech gear: SHEER FORCE! SHARD BEARERS! TRAINZ!
    bloodra1n and SEPTHEKID like this.
  7. Well it's a good thing I have my dragon egg on smp8 :D
    haastregt likes this.
  8. :eek:

    Attached Files:

    • Carl.png
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      230.5 KB
  9. Ritalin tipped monkey darts for everyone!
  10. I have Carl. *evil laugh*
  11. Good. Bring him to benthebobjr to end the war.
  12. Hmmm....I don't know....I've grown kinda used to him being in my house...:)
  13. Fake! he isnt red and fullgrown, plus he doesnt wear his full original name :cool:
    Patr1cV likes this.
  14. *shuffles away*
  15. All right, all right. Peeps. When's this pvp gonna be
  16. I don't know, but it has to be at a time when everyone can come.
  17. 4pm EMC time.
    What day? Should I put it on the events calendar?
  18. I"m making an evil clone instead. I've already dyed it red. Now all i need is a nametag.
    AnonReturns likes this.
  19. Just rename the spawn egg before spawning it in Perry, I'll make one as well, for the Hottub :p
  20. No spawn egg needed. The evil clone will have one purpose in life... to be sheered mercilessly... now if only I can figure out how to get him off the fence...
    AnonReturns likes this.