The Order of the Angels

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by fluffinator09, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. And it has. I will now update the roster.
  2. please add me to the member list :)
  3. I did.
  4. Okay, I'm back from that journey first order of business is to set up the new outpost.
  5. Would it be possible to redo your main thread post? it's a mission scrolling through lots of double spaced centered words. Honestly makes it more difficult to read than needs to be?

    Possibly highlight the different paragraphs in the post about ranks, grants, etc.

    Also, maybe put a roster up the top? Maybe in a spoiler if you wish to reduce space.

    Just a few suggestions. :)
  6. yes! I totally agree with you. :D
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  7. Yeah, I agree too.
  8. Problem. Can't. It doesn't appear centered in the edit option. Or double spaced.
  9. Uh oh.
    Another problem.
  10. I can do it for you if you like? You can change it back if you don't want it.
    607 likes this.
  11. I would very much appreciate if you did. :D
  12. OK, I edited it. Arg, that was a mission, the formatting kept messing up real bad...

    I did alter the wording to try make it easier to read. The original text is in a Spoiler at the bottom of the post. If you wish to undo/redo anything, I can put the original wording back in.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  13. fluffinator09 likes this.
  14. Okay here I go!
    Doing some blueprintin' planning something big...
  15. Okay, so I got an outpost grant;
    -Will be on smp8
    • Blacksmith
    • armory (Place where soldiers stay)
    • cellar (Storage area)
    • Huge wall
    • Bridge
    • Windmill
    • Barn (Impractical farming, for looks)
    • Fields (Practical, for work)
    • Resort-like place/area travelers can rest and get food.
    • Lake
    -Rewards 1,000r, 1,000 PP
    spans from approximately
    X: 7,000

    May have to zoom in :p. You'll see it fit in on the map. Reply if you'd like to help, I only need one other person, as I am helping.
    607 likes this.
  16. Lol, sounds a lot like the dark forest project, borrowing ideas huh? Are you still working on the dark forest?
  17. Yeah, kind of working on it I guess..
    I borrowed this from my brain box, honestly I haven't read that convo in detail in a long time..
  18. Well it's a great idea :) i applied to the order, but haven't see anywhere it's accepted. but maybe I could help build that, or build it myself, either or.
    SMP8 right? I'm free on smp8 i think
  19. Okie. Well your a mod, so it's hard not to let ypu in :p Sorry, trying to get to the new base location, too cheap to make a boat :p
  20. App sent.
    607 likes this.