The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. The constitution states that anyone can create an official town in the NR. So you do not require it to be deemed part of the New Republic by 72volt.
    brickstrike likes this.
  2. Now I want to make a town >_<
    Maybe is should before the land around us gets taken up.....
    mba2012 and brickstrike like this.
  3. I think its in the best interest of all current OakVille residents that we don't become a huge city. We most likely want to stay a small, simple town.
  4. Fair enough.
    But it seems Oakville is already in or on the fringe of another city's limits.
  5. This is a good thing, now that I think about it I probably am not going to be making a town, too many towns can sometimes equal a very, very large area, but fewer citizens per building, which in turn means more buildings that need to be kept and maintained by a fewer amount of people, also meaning it can take longer to fix griefings, ALSO meaning eventually it will take so long to fix up one place, that by the time you get around to fixing the other, it isn't even worth trying to fix and it just sits there looking like something out of Fallout.
  6. ..Since when has Wrem claimed that much land?
    smile3 and mba2012 like this.
  7. It hasn't.
  8. Since now, I guess.

    OakVille will not relocate, if that's what your trying to get at, Ant.
  9. Since when was this approved? Also as far as Oakville not being "deemed" as a NR state. Well I am the economy Minister, and I most certainly deem it as a small town under the NR. Although it is a town under the NR, we do not want the militia to be there. If a member wishes to live there, it is fine but no warnings or any nonsense.
    mba2012 and wisepsn like this.
  10. I'm just telling you all what others will. I'm not against your town, nor is the Militia. This has popped up in just hours and some officials have not made there stance on Oakville yet. Also, we don't mind having people from the Militia building or joining Oakville either. But no official Militia building will be built till other officials approve of Oakville. That is all I am saying.
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  11. And our officials say that we dont want a bunch of the militia in OakVille, and if its required that we have one, the building will not be very big.
    pat2011 and mba2012 like this.
  12. I don't think you can do that. First of all I don't believe it is your power to deem it a city, and secondly it is unconstitutional to "not want the militia to be there"
  13. Take these image down this instant! It has the cords to the city!
  14. Agreed.
    Come on guys, stop getting so crazy over a SMALL town, it's a town. Not a city. Also, any when did you decide to say what land is claimed,
  15. Feel stupid now? :p
    L0tad, penfoldex and Spenser6 like this.
  16. wut
  17. Please take the picture out of his quote
    It has the cords to NR. Ants shout be fined for doing something like that. Ant, do you want our outpost to fall and get griefed?!?!??
  18. Read the quotes. Pl0x.
  19. i must be stupid, i dont get it lol
  20. It was most likely a simple mistake, it can be easily fixed. Besides the fact we are so far out, I don't think any one who would grief that isn't living there, wouldn't even want to take the time trekking out, risking death, and trekking back, also risking death.
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