The Major Update - 7/1/15

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. What happened to my Rupee History?

    All it shows is my voting now, it no longer shows everything else.....
  2. Hmm, it is there one min, next min its not, could be a small bug?
  3. So much this. I haven't encountered a natural miniboss since Tokens came out.
    hashhog3000 and FDNY21 like this.
  4. Last time I even saw a mini boss was about a week after the launch of the update. Killed a Momentus (myself in iron) but never got anything special. I have not seen another Momentus or even my first Marlix yet.
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  5. I dont have the time to read the whole thread right now but i noticed something yesterday.

    Normally i start a conversation with "/tell namehere" and after the first message has been send by me i immediately click on the name of the Person i wrote to ("To namehere") to enter the private chat.

    Since the update i have the Problem that everytime i try to do the stuff mentioned above, i always get the line in chat:" You can't start a conversation with yourself!".

    I don't know if what im trying to say is clear, but i could try to elaborate if you don't understand :)
    607 and crystaldragon13 like this.
  6. I too noticed this today. I'm so spoiled here on EMC.. I really like the easy click and go of messaging and not having to be sure to do something every time to just chat with someone. And! we have all these great channels we can chat away with our friends in. Yep.. so darn spoiled and really liking it that way. :rolleyes:

    Thank you to the development team and Aikar, always looking forward to the future. What a sweet deal we've got. :D
    607 likes this.
  7. Yep i got way too used to the convinient chat system. I got TabbyChat working today, which makes it way more convinient thman before! Its currently in beta, but works like a charm.
  8. For a temporary work around, doing the private message command without actually putting a message in will also start a private conversation.
    /tell [player]
    and only that.
    607 likes this.
  9. Ohhh! Nice to know! Thanks alot!
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  10. Aucttly, no. #ChinBrokeIt
  11. On the topic of Minibosses - I haven't found any for an age, I've ended up not searching for them anymore, nothing ever spawns. Remember those threads telling people that there was a a Miniboss for someone to kill at x co-ordinates? :p Yeah, I don't seem to see those anymore, I'm starting to wonder if anybody has actually seen a Miniboss at all for a while... :rolleyes:
    Socks quoted it and said that he too did break some of it, though. :oops:
    PenguinDJ and hashhog3000 like this.
  12. Just wanted to chime in a little about mini-bosses, but I don't have an actual opinion on the spawn rates. That's because I can actually agree with both sides. Lowering spawn rates makes a mini-boss a little harder (and more special!) to find. Can't say I'm against that.

    But I can also understand the comments. I've been on the Empire for 200+ days now and I've encountered a mini-boss exactly once. And it wasn't my own discovery either; a friend of mine noticed a "crazy Marlix" (it flies kinda jittery) and so another friend and me joined the hunt for it and we slayed it :) (which was a pretty awesome experience by the way, I loved the sound effects when shooting Marlix with a bow, really impressive).

    Just for context: Wastelands visits are pretty sporadic with me. One moment I like hunting and then I can spend a few moments (usually 20 - 30min) in the wastelands every time I go onto EMC. But the other I like spending my time in town better. It heavily varies.

    Of course I also go mining, on a more frequent basis too, but I don't take this into consideration because then I spent most of my time below ground. I basically run over to one of my mines, get ready and then start digging :)
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  13. On constant occasion I hear of some moderators having to fight off multiple, so they are still spawning just fine. There is more interest in the wild/wastelands recently and it is based on chunks loaded at the time a spawn is set to happen, etc. Players that go out hunting when no one else is on will have a greater chance, as we've explained before.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  14. The other night while fighting a momentus with BrenRGerm, a marlix spawned right behind us....
    This was in desert biome way out in wild. I've found it best to hang around a flowing river in the desert, although one spawned on grass near a river in the middle of my outpost last week. Hope this helps with those on the hunt for one - spawn rates seem ok, for myself at least -or maybe I'm just lucky :)
    FDNY21 and georgeashington like this.
  15. as someone who frequently and quite successfully hunts bosses on the regular i can tell you that rates are down, ive been the only person in the wild for hours on 6 recently (until mcaodh logs on) and gotten nothing while not going afk and loading different favorable chunks for the folks. in older days that same behavior would get me things liek this:

    or this

    its been different since aikar changed the momentus spawning mechanics so he wouldnt spawn inside blocks (suffocating you if you were drew in)
    PenguinDJ, georgeashington and 607 like this.
  16. Ok so I got a bunch of bug fixes coming soon, but on note on miniboss spawns - again nothing has changed EMC wise.

    the difference is theres more players out in the wild due to 1.8 (farms and blocks alike)

    However I'm tweaking the code so 1 player can't hog the spawns, by introducing a minimum delay per player per type per world so you can personally only get 1 momentus per day spawn NEAR you (note: has nothing to do with killing, so if you see that spawn message, no more spawns for you for a day in that specific world)

    So the players who are sitting AFK at farms will not hog up the spawns, but to add on to that, i'm making AFK players also immune to spawning.
  17. Is that a real life day or in-game day?
    607 likes this.
  18. If you're moving around at night, there will be plenty of surface spawns for Momentus to spawn at. Clearly others are getting spawns, some ones already posted a screenshot of a NEW momentus.

    RL, in game would amount to around the time it already takes to respawn...

    This is pretty fair to give everyone a good chance to find one, as you can always go to another world (Wastelands or Frontier) or another SMP, giving you potential to kill over 1k Minibosses a month if you killed 2 per world (mar+mom) per day per world per non utopia smp.
  19. Good question, that makes quite a difference :p