Winner: Dufne (6 votes) Safe: tuq1, Sealeon, RunningRino Loser: Shadow_Dcord (2 votes) Unsafe: RunderC, ChickenDice, GeneralWillikers, 607, Honey_Dew, FluffeMarshmallo Another tie, and b0bby chose to smite Dcord.
RunderC again. I prefer the sound of RunderCaster, though. Either of those will do, it's multiple-choice anyway.
Winner: RunderC (6 votes) Safe: ChickenDice, tuq1 Loser: FluffeMarshmallo (5 votes) Unsafe: RunningRhino, Sealeon, Dufne, Honey_Dew, 607, GeneralWillikers From this round on, the winner gets to choose whether they want their row or their column to be safe.