The First Loser Season 2: Game 1

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Rhyblet, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. ...which is why you're on the staff team. :rolleyes:
    Hashhog, 607, tuq1 and 1 other person like this.
  2. I vote Dufne.

  3. I did too. I have nefarious reasoning for my choice.
  4. Could we still sign up? :p
  5. Maybe you could take Skeleton's spot?
  6. If I could :) Thanks
  7. oh yah same
    607 likes this.
  8. Winner: Dufne (6 votes)
    Safe: tuq1, Sealeon, RunningRino
    Loser: Shadow_Dcord (2 votes)
    Unsafe: RunderC, ChickenDice, GeneralWillikers, 607, Honey_Dew, FluffeMarshmallo

    Another tie, and b0bby chose to smite Dcord.
    607 likes this.
  9. oops I was supposed to die this round
    607 likes this.
  10. gfg nub
  11. How could you all? I was going to bring Funnel Cakes!
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  12. RunderC again. I prefer the sound of RunderCaster, though.
    Either of those will do, it's multiple-choice anyway.
  13. Wait, how is it week 5? Not even two weeks have passed since the start of this... :p
  14. Shhhhhhh, weeks = rounds
  15. Winner: RunderC (6 votes)
    Safe: ChickenDice, tuq1
    Loser: FluffeMarshmallo (5 votes)
    Unsafe: RunningRhino, Sealeon, Dufne, Honey_Dew, 607, GeneralWillikers

    From this round on, the winner gets to choose whether they want their row or their column to be safe.
  16. They saw you, thought

    and feared for their lives. :p
    FluffeMarshmallo and NathanRP like this.