So apparently we're revoting (for some reason many announcements are made inside a pm which seems not very good to me as it highly decreases transparency for outsiders): are we allowed to change our votes?
Yes. We're revoting because multiple people voted more than once for different people, so I figured that this would be easier that trying to sort that whole thing out.
Winner: RunningRhino (3 votes) Safe: RunderC, Honey_Dew Loser: 607 (2 votes) Unsafe: Dufne, Sealeon, GeneralWillikers, ChickenDice, tuq1 Sorry that this round took so long, there were a bit of confusion about people accidentally voting twice. Also, there was a tie, and Dcord chose 607 to lose.
It took longer than I thought it would. Oh well... I definitely preferred Sky as a host (not that you're bad, Rhy!), but I liked participating And of course, it's not over yet... I hope a tie occurs next round!
Winner: tuq1 (3 votes) Safe: tuq1, Darfne Loser: ChickenDice (2 votes) Unsafe: Honey_Dew, Sealeon, GeneralWillikers, RunningRhino, RunderC
Winner: Sealeon (2 votes) Loser: RunningRhino (2 votes) Unsafe: Honey_Dew, Sealeon, GeneralWillikers, tuq1, RunderC, Dufne Another tie, and Dice let Sealeon win.