Interesting... I'm sorry to luckycordel! Let me know if you want to ally or something, so far I'm just doing whatever.
There has been a tie! The results for round 2 will be posted as soon as I hear back from luckycordel regarding the tiebreaker.
Winner: Row 3, Column 4: EnderMagic1 (4 votes) First Loser: Row 2, Column 2: SteamingFire (4 votes) There was a tie, and luckycordel chose to save the player in Row 3, Column 4. Additionally, all players adjacent to Row 3, Column 4 have been revealed.
Third round, second tie. Results for round 2 will be posted once SteamingFire resolves the tiebreaker.
Winner: Raaynn (4 votes) First Loser: Row 4, Column 1: CarFryer (4 votes) Second Loser: Tomvanwijnen (4 votes) There was a 3-way tie, and SteamingFire chose Raaynn as the winner and the player in Row 4, Column 1 (CarFryer) as the first loser.
I like my situation, where everyone should know where I'm at (because I said so at the beginning of the game), but I'm still not revealed in the grid. (I actually voted for myself in the first round, because I was expecting people to vote for me because I was the only one they knew the location of... surprised I neither won nor became the first loser then )
There has been a tie! The results for round 5 will be posted as soon as I hear back from wafflecoffee regarding the tiebreaker.
Winner: Raaynn (4 votes) First Loser: TomvanWijnen (2 votes) Second Losers: Row 1, Column 1 and Row 2, Column 1 (2 votes) There was a 3-way tie for the First Loser, and wafflecoffee chose to eliminate TomvanWijnen.
Winner: Raaynn (5 votes) First Loser: 8comimi (2 votes) Starting next round, you will have to specify whether you want your row or column to be safe if you are the winner.
Winner: EnderMagic1 (4 votes) First Loser: Row 4, Column 2: 607 (3 votes) Starting this round, only the winner's row or column (specified in the voting form) will be safe.