The fact thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, May 21, 2012.

  1. Just for you :)

    Seberling and SparerToaster like this.
  2. THEORY: Humans are made of the same atoms as the Cosmos.
    FACT: The fastest satellite of our time travels 60,000 km/h and even at that speed it would take 81,000 years to reach the nearest star.
    FACT/THEORY: If humans collected the variables and their values for everything, it is possible we conquer death.
    THEORY: At first there was nothing, but absolute nothing is extremely unstable, so out of nothing emerged the galaxy.
    THEORY: There could be anywhere from 1-10 alien civilizations in the universe, however it is extremely unlikely that they have EVER visited planet Earth.
  3. All of the pilots in the Starfox games have robotic legs. One theory to this is so blood doesnt rush to their legs, and make them pass out. I for some reason find this creepy.

    Operation Northwoods was a plan by the CIA to commit terrorist attacks in American cities, and blame it on Cuba. MERICA!
    imBobertRobert likes this.
  4. Without mucus, you stomach would digest itself.
  5. The moon has time zones.

    Human thigh bones are stronger then concrete.

    You cant suck the venom out of a snakebite.
  6. 2nd street is the most popular street name, 1st is 6th.
  7. Bubble gum is actually made from rubber.
  8. Diamonds are worthless if they heat up too much. Theyll just burn into carbon dioxide.
  9. Pennies actually cost more to make (1.41 cents) then they're worth.
  10. 99% of all species that ever lived on earth,
    Are dead.
    Thank you human kind.
  11. Fact: mrlegit is indeed legit.
    migueldemesa likes this.
  12. However, the tallest volcano in the universe is Mt. Olympus, which just happens to be on mars.
  13. FACT: Cheetahs cant retract their claws.
    FACT: Cheetahs are the fastest land animal.
    FACT: Blue whales are the biggest animal on the planet, bigger than dinosaurs.
    FACT: Bacon is made from the meat around a pigs rear. (like the squishy soft parts)
    thestar19 likes this.
  14. FACT: this fact is a fact.
    what, you want a real fact? ok fine.
    before WWI, the german country had to pay 1000 marks every time they made a Maxim machine gun because of copyrights by England.
    FACT: during WWII, some reports say that russian armies would walk across minefields instead of sweeping them for mines.
  15. FACT: Your fingernails grow faster than your toe nails.
    FACT: The nail that will grow fastest, is on your longest finger.
    FACT: I will mostly state gross facts :D
  16. -US highways are wider so planes can land on them
    -The cold war was ended because Reagan used star wars saying we had a laser in space, and the USSR felt like they couldn't compete with that. (Reagan used to do plays)
    -Albert Einstein was a jew running away from the holocaust.
    -Vampires were started by people robbing graves and seeing the longer nails and hair because they grow even when you are dead.
    - One of the US presidents died in a bathtub because he was to fat to get out.
  17. imBobertRobert likes this.
  18. Arbok, a pokemon, has different markings for each region.

    There is a hidden room in Half life 1 that the walls and floor are painted with Gabe Newell's face.

    Birdo from Mario is a guy.

    Pac man was going to be called Puck man, but they changed it after figuring our that vandals could change the P to a F.

    In Spore, if you look at the Galaxy from above, and spin it as fast as you can, Will Wright, the games director, will spin out at you.

    Shigeru Miyamoto has stated that he has nightmare over finding game breaking bugs and glitchs in Zelda games.

    In the German Version of Links awakening, after a Buzz Blobe turns into a cukeman, they will say:

    Nie ohne konom, or, Not without a condom


    Gib mir deinen saft, ich geb dir meinen or, Give me your Juice, I will give you mine.

    That was hell to type up..
    oidgod likes this.
  19. Lara Crofts breasts are 50% larger then they should have been, due to a mistake.

    Playing a emulated or pirated copy of Pokemon, Leaf Green and Fire Red triggers a anti-pirating message when you talk to ferry attendant outside the Seagoallop ferry station. He/she says, By the way, if you like this game, buy it, or die

    If you say Playstation on the game, Hey you Pikachu, Pikachu will get angry.
  20. there was a dinosaur bigger than any creature to ever exist (watch walking with dinosaurs)