The Empire Minecraft Mod

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by A_Dolphin, Feb 18, 2013.

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  1. Username: Equinox_Boss
    How long have you been playing on EMC? 444 days
    What are you well-known for? Giving Health
    Aggressive or Passive? Passive
    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs? Hostile mobs
    Model of Mob (Biped, Cow, etc.) Biped
    Texture of mob (Your skin, pig with green eyes, [link]) below
    Attack Strength (If Aggressive) Give 2.5 heath (hits but gives heath)
    Breeding Item (If Passive) Wheat
    Drop Item? potion of healing
    Health Count? 20 hearts
    Sound of Living? mooooooo (Cow)
    Sound of Hurt? zombie hurt
    Sound of Death? ghast death

    Attached Files:

    BilboBaggins23 and nick5013 like this.
  2. ATTENTION APPLICANTS: If I have liked your post, give yourself a pat on the back. To the applications I have not given a like, re-consider your application after viewing the application rules again. Some requests were sounding like a separate mod on its own; you need to post simple applications. Once I get more free time from school/work/schoolwork/sleep, I will work on the features that you might requests such as custom mob drops, crafting, etc. On Wednesday, 1.5 will come out, sometime after that, when the de-compiled source code comes out, the EMC mod will update.
    Kman122000, mba2012 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  3. Where/when do we get the download link for our custom mod upon completion?
  4. This thread.
  5. 1. You don't get a custom "mod" it's a custom "mob"
    2. It will update within a day or two after 1.5 comes out, by Saturday.
    3. Here
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. Name: Soul (I prefer Soul, but put punisher in if you want)
    How long have you been playing on EMC: Almost 400 days.
    What are you well known for: Posting alot, being helpful, funny and annoying people with my "I want help" threads.
    Aggressive Or Passive: Neutral.
    Aggressive to any specific mobs: Attacks skeletons on sight.
    Model of Mob: Human
    Attack Strength: 2 hearts
    Breeding Item: Cooked Steak
    Drop Item: 1-3 Gold ore
    Health: 25 hearts
    Sound Of Living: None
    Sound Of Hurt: Zombie noise
    Sound Of Death: Creeper death Noise
    nick5013 likes this.
  7. Oh, so all of our custom mobs go into the full EMC mod? So we can't have just ourselves, we get the staff and all the other players already completed?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  8. Yep
  9. Should also mention I want my skin to be my current one :3
  10. When coding, I am going to make a different "mod_EMC.class" file, so all you have to do is separate the mod_ file and the Entity[mob].class files. I will probably just make 2 different folders (with and without) when I go to update/upload.
    If someone's model is biped and they don't give me a specific skin/texture, I just "steal" their skin. And if someone doesn't do biped and doesn't give me a specific skin/texture, I just put their skin's face on the mob's face.
  11. Oh, so you want just your mod by yourself, no other mobs with it so that it can run on it's own with modloader? I could do that in a PM, pl0x be more specific when you say "we", I can get confused.
  12. Is mine acceptable? I have removed the Minecraft Guide book. Tell me if anything else is not good.
  13. The primed-TNT attack falls in the category of custom attacks, since your attack is somewhat simple, I will not include it in the 1.5 update, but in the update when I try to implement everyone's requests when I have free time.
  14. I cant find out why you want it to be diamond porkchops darnit!!!!! (Sarcasm.)
  15. Okay, thanks :D.
  16. I'm not seeing mine as a separate mod...
  17. Can we make more than one mob? Because I just made a model for one (which isn't the best, but still, I'd like to see it in a mod)
  18. Username: cube45 (dont forget the 45).

    How long have you been playing on EMC? 435 days.

    What are you well-known for? I dont really know... ive just had a few people come up to me and say my name is evrywhere.

    Aggressive or Passive? neutral(like wolves) if not aggressive.

    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs? bats and akir

    Model of Mob (Biped, Cow, etc.) biped (the human one)

    Texture of mob (Your skin, pig with green eyes, [link]) File uploaded(cube45SKIN)

    Attack Strength (If Aggressive) easy: 3hp(1 1/2 hearts)
    normal: 5hp (2 1/2 hearts)
    hard: 16hp (8 hearts)

    if ya cant do it based on difficlty, 10hp (5 hearts)

    Breeding Item (If Passive) potion of swiftness (if nutrel, if not nothing)

    Drop Item? iron blocks.

    Health Count? 20hp (10 hearts) with invisible diamond armour if possible. if not just guive me whatever

    Sound of Living?
    Sound of Hurt? (In files below)
    Sound of Death?

    Attached Files:

    nick5013 likes this.
  19. It's just that some people were adding more things to their mob than just their mob.
    Only one mob per person. If you make a custom model for your mob, I'd need the techne file.
    mba2012 likes this.
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