The Empire Minecraft Mod

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by A_Dolphin, Feb 18, 2013.

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  1. If you tamed an aggressive animal it wouldn't be aggressive.
    607 likes this.
  2. And as put in the incorrect example, NO TAMING.
    607 likes this.
  3. Taming removed. Is it acceptable now?
  4. Did my person thingamabob have breeding? I'll go check.
  5. I'll see what I can do.
    Breeding is fine, but just not taming.
    AlexHallon likes this.
  6. All righty
  7. how is mine?
  8. Fine, but with the texture, do you want the angry wolf skin on it, or do you want your skin to be shaped into a wolf?
    With the spawners exploding, I'd be harder to do that.
  9. You should add bosses for all of the mobs and make their stats beefed up.
  10. Username: TheEpic5
    How long have you been playing on EMC? 357 Days
    What are you well-known for? For being friendly and a great slime.
    Aggressive or Passive? Agressive
    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs? (Any except slimes)
    Model of Mob (Biped, Cow, etc.) Biped (Human)
    Texture of mob (Your skin, pig with green eyes, [link]) and type TheEpic5
    Attack Strength (If Aggressive) 3 Hearts
    Breeding Item (If Passive) N/A
    Drop Item? 100% 2 Slimeballs and 5% Chance of Dropping a Slime Essence
    Health Count? 20 Hearts
    Sound of Living? Slime
    Sound of Hurt? Slime
    Sound of Death? Slime
    Slime Essences are used for crafting the Slime Hammer
    Slime Essence = S
    S S S
    S S S
    S S S

    Then a slime hammer is made. Damage same as a Diamond Sword. Not Enchantable. Slime Essences are Textured as Slimeballs but are shaped like a Ghast Tear. -TheEpic5
    MineMeetsRoblox likes this.
  11. The wolf shape with the texture. I guess no exploding spawners then D:
  12. How's mine coming?
  13. Tip: Don't ask how yours is going, it just slows me down. If I haven't replied to your app, assume it's fine.
  14. Maybe you should threaten to take them out if they ask. :p That always works.
    ninjaboy5656, mba2012 and nick5013 like this.
  15. You should make Max's Staff Enchant-able.
  16. Username : Jay2a
    How long have you been playing on EMC : 429 days.
    What are you well-known for : Diamond pickaxes and my cape!
    Aggressive or Passive : Agressive.
    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs : Chickens, players.
    Model of Mob : Person; Look like my skin.
    Attack Strength : 2.
    Breeding Item : None.
    Drop Item : Diamond pickaxe.
    Health Count : 45.

    I'm not sure if anyone can apply for this, I just thought I'd try.
    nick5013 likes this.
  17. My copy and paste is not working so...... here.

    Name: lameidl.
    Drop: 0-2 Arrows Rare Drop: Bow And Gold Sword.
    Nature: Aggressive!
    Breeding Item: Nope.
    Attack Strength: 3 hearts.
    Time On EMC: I have not checked for a while but around 240.
    Breeding Item: None.
    Weapon: Bow. Secondary: Gold Sword.
    Model: Human. (Make It My skin (Profile Picture.)
    Aggressive Towards Certain Mobs: Ghasts. (You See My Profile Picture.)
    What Am I Well Known For: Pro Archer. Ghast Hunter.
    Health Count: 16 Hearts.
    Living Sound:Ghast.
    Hurt Sound: Ghast.
    Death Sound; Ghast.
    Bonus: Sometimes spawns with iron armor.

    I hope that is ok.
    nick5013 likes this.
  18. could you add diamond coated porkchop that I drop? :D
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