We used to consider ourselves PG-13 until I looked up the guidelines for PG-13 movies in the U.S. Turns out you can get away with a LOT in PG-13 movies nowadays. Our ratings were promptly changed.
If someone keeps vomiting out an advertisement in town chat after you have informed them of Economy chat several times, is that "reportable"? Let's also say it is being vomited too often.
Heh, so just to clarify: I cannot say, "I beat that skeletons ass" However I can say "I beat the shit out of that skeleton" I cannot say, "Get your ass over here ASAP!" However I can say "Hurry up and get your shit over here ASAP" So I cannot say, "O.O Kick that creepers ass!" So I can say "O.O That creeper just got his shit pushed in!" I remember back in the day one of my friends named their donkey 'Highlancer54's Ass' hehehe I thought that was pretty funny myself. Regardless of what is allowed... I will still refrain from any unsavory language as its crude. (This above disclaimer only applies to my chat in town/supporter/economy... and not for those crazy enough to get in my group chat, visit my res, or MSG me!).
It is reportable, as they clearly meant to use caps. I have seen many people kicked or muted after doing that.
They said in the same chat line as "Caps message" so tells staff they knew it was wrong but did it anyways. It's like loading a gun and then shooting saying " I didn't know it was loaded" This situation is more tragic but similar scenarios
Yes report them, most of the time staff member will sign in or already be on and tell them to watch and saying sorry at end doesn't mean you use all caps.
I have an odd one for all of you. So I came into this situation a few minutes ago. There is a player who was calling out into chat asking people to say if they lived in a certain state. Curious as to why they were asking, I asked why they wanted to. Eventually they mentioned that they wanted to see in real life. This player is a young female (under 13), or someone very good at acting all the time like a young female. I wouldn't want bad things to come from that. EMC is not full of predators or anything, but liability wise this could be very major. Would it be reasonable to report them so that a mod could notice and talk to them about not trying to set up IRL engagements? Better yet, maybe make it a rule that IRL engagements are not to be planned while on the server?
Somebody took a wooden axe with 59 durability and used MOUSE1 to click the wooden plank block that I got from an Oak Tree approximately 4 logs tall with 39 leaves on it and once the block reached its breaking point the block disappeared and the wooden plank dropped item appeared and the griefer walked over it (approx. .83 meters from the original position) using the "W" key and took the wooden plank. Am I doing it right?