The Car Love Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by FDNY21, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. Supercar Saturday video is out! :)
    luckycordel likes this.
  2. How do you guys find the latest video? I think I need to get the focus a bit better at times so I'll work on that :)
  3. I like it! :) I think the transitions (fading from clip to clip) take too long though. It might be just my personal taste, but I think I'd prefer them being shorter, partly as you can't really see what's going on during them.
    luckycordel likes this.
  4. Thanks 607! As for the transitions, I don't think that's anything that I could change... It's either that or no transition at all (just raw footage to footage) :p The other transitions don't look so good, so it's either the fade from clip to clip or just clip to clip on its own :) Would you suggest keeping it as it is or trying it raw?
  5. No more car events this year so I don't think there will be any more videos but expect more car news and car love here, perhaps in the form of DiRT Rally videos also at some point, it'd be nice to get into that again! :D
    luckycordel likes this.
  6. I did a bit more recording using Fraps on DiRT Rally but it still seems to be a bit laggy... Might give it a bit more time, shame it's doing that :(
  7. I thought that it would be nice to share some pictures too... This one with a quote from Jeremy Clarkson, perhaps one of my favourite quotes :)
    Raaynn and luckycordel like this.
  8. A short video of the rides I had at Supercar Saturday...
    luckycordel likes this.
  9. Looks pretty spiffy :D.
    I may have to take that photo I sent you this week and add my own caption to it...
    Turned a bad day, into a horrible day :(. Still no word on it.
    Patience.... patience...
    FDNY21 likes this.
  10. Sad to hear about it, make sure you keep me updated! Sure it'll turn out well in the end, just needs patience as you said :p
    highlancer54 likes this.
  11. I tried to make a new DiRT Rally video. I tried upping the frames and the quality. If anything, it looks worse... I don't know what I've done wrong D: I'll have to try and fix it... Somehow... >_> Tell me what you think anyway - it's on my channel but it's unlisted so you can only see it if you have the link or watch it embedded here!
    luckycordel likes this.
  12. Might look into using a different video recorder for the DiRT Rally videos :)
  13. Had a look at the editor that came with the GeForce graphics card and it looks okay... Only took a glance so need to look at the best qualities and everything but seeing as how it's off the card, it should be good. Should. Fraps should be good too but it's not, so... Eh, why do things break, huh? :p
  14. The new Audi R8 V10 coming out soon is looking super awesome. I've been seeing it on Car Throttle and Shmee's Insta also, lots of testing going on at the minute so lots of new pictures are surfacing. Lots of people still say they prefer the old one but I am definitely taken by the new looks - sign me up! :p

    luckycordel and 607 like this.