The Biggest Redstone Creation on EMC!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by BobTheTomato9798, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. Those numbers just hurt my head. Badly.

    TomCasalino likes this.
  2. Big thanks to all the early donors :)
    TomCasalino likes this.
  3. Hey man, if you need help with the work just hollar, I love big projects like this, also, ill have a look to see if i can spare anything to donate
    TomCasalino likes this.
  4. Thanks :) the digging is going to be the worst :mad:
    TomCasalino likes this.
  5. yeah, just finished my second whole res digout.
    TomCasalino likes this.
  6. I just have one. It's eff 4 and unbreaking 3.
    TomCasalino likes this.
  7. How much do you want for it?
    TomCasalino likes this.
  8. I can get on combining all of the books I have, I wasn't going to do much with them anyways :p
    TomCasalino likes this.
  9. Can I donate money to you? Or only redstone?
    TomCasalino likes this.
  10. Nothing :D
  11. Wow... Good luck :p
    Not to be rude or anything, but building it is one thing, and getting the supplies is another :confused:
    TomCasalino likes this.
  12. You are able to donate rupees, there is a chest in the donation room.
    That is exactly my problem :)
    TomCasalino and Parkerjv9 like this.
  13. Founding this could be fun, but what garantee do I have that you will complete it ? and within a timely fashion? ^^
    TomCasalino likes this.
  14. Just a heads up, you will need to have a ceiling above the doors, even if its glass to see through.
    When a door opens and closes via redstone it is possible to time the jump and glitch onto the top of the door, from there you would be able to walk out of the maze.
    jkjkjk182, TomCasalino and Parkerjv9 like this.
  15. When I start something I finish it :)
    So don't make a 1 block area above the door?
    TomCasalino likes this.
  16. I have changed all my donation signs to 1r so that when you donate if will come to my rupee history and I can credit you with the donation :)
    TomCasalino and AmusedStew like this.
  17. UPDATE! This is what I have done today! Keep the donations coming!
    TomCasalino likes this.
  18. I don't think the server will like this and may even crash when you run it, and Aikar is bound to have put some redstone logic limits on >.<
    Good Luck!
    TomCasalino likes this.
  19. I don't think so, all it does is cause a lot of iron doors to change. I highly doubt that will make the server crash.
    TomCasalino and thestar19 like this.