The Biggest Redstone Creation on EMC!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by BobTheTomato9798, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. Hmm, i personally liked it much better in the previous screenshot :3
  2. Who sells Eff 4, Unbreaking 3 shovels?
  3. Bob can I help you dig?
  4. You are welcome to! When do you want to start?
  5. Ill be on within 45 minutes. Give perms to gearmaster08
  6. I'm sorry, I won't be able to give you perms until around 7pm EST today.
  7. K just let me know when gearmaster08 has perms
  8. Done :) if you get on I can show you where to dig :)
  9. Wow. As an avid fan of all things redstone, I would give if I had any. Alas, I am poor and not skilled with the mining.

    I do wish you good luck, Tomato Bob!
  10. K I'll be on in a few minutes
  11. Thanks, don't feel bad if you can't donate :)
  12. A bit more hass been dug out through the work of my slave volunteer labor :p
  13. Thanks! :)
  14. Donated to the worthy cause ^_^
  15. Thank you very much!
  16. Almost done digging MY tenth layer of dirt :) Haven't seen anyone else dig since I started by first layer..
  17. Hey, I dug at least four... Then I'm left with two nearly broken shovels...
  18. Thank you guys, you have helped a lot, now no fighting :p
  19. xD. I've dug 12 layers now. starting from when i started digging 3 hours ago. and nobody else has been digging.
  20. He was on earlier this morning :)