The Big Dig (December 16 @ 9pm EMC)

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by DarkModFallen, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. I just wanted the cobble, lol.

    But overall considering how cooperative the majority of the players were who showed up to the big dig--I would say that the cavers didn't bother me too much.

    *aside in the corner* ( Nuuu! My precious minerals and gems...! )
  2. yours was really good! Congrats!
  3. Noooooooooooo! :confused: I missed out on the I was jumping around in front of da beacon...... :O
    Dramanya likes this.
  4. I just noticed that the winner of my head is wearing it in these pictures.
    DeathPunchKitty and gunthro like this.
  5. Wow! It sounds like this was fun! I would have wanted to come but I never saw this in the event thread before it happened. btw When I saw that this event was called Big Dig Event I thought of this. LOL It is a mod pack.

  6. I made the post a week in advance I'll try and promote it more next time.
    gunthro likes this.
  7. When I finally got on using my cousin's laptop and a neighbour's internet, the event was quite interesting indeed!

    This was only shortly after the start of it. Seriously, it went fast!
    Just a little later we were already 7 blocks down.

    When we had mined nearly every block except for bedrock (after which some people went filling it in again :p) we took perhaps the longest selfie ever: I'm not sure on the exact time, but I think we spend at least five minutes taking this, seemingly simple, in-game selfie.

    Then, after seeing haastregt's great house and doing a falling (or landing, rather) competition, I went down again, lusting for adventure.

    This was a bit scary, but I got two slime heads out of it! :D

    A bit later haastregt came down again, and a creeper lurked upon him. I witnessed it, but it was too perfect to spoil. So, innocent, unknowing haastregt didn't suspect a thing...

    and died just after he heard about someone liking him :( (but in my heart: :D))
    The last thing I remember is being stuffed into a dirt house with too many people inside it, before passing out...

    it was certainly an interesting evening event! Thanks for hosting!

    gunthro and haastregt like this.

  8. ;-;
    If you dont count the creeper I wonthe falling and staying alive thing :p
    That was a very good timed picture though :D
    Patr1cV, gunthro, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  9. Am I too late :eek:
    EffinBatman likes this.
  10. *Turns into Mob Grinder*
    607 likes this.
  11. Lol there has been some done that way yes.
  12. Unfortunately, I will not be able to make the Big Dig Event this time around, as I'm going away for the weekend...gonna miss all the fun. :( I'm sure you'll have another great turnout EffinBatman...looking forward to seeing the pics! :p
  13. I hope so mistylou ! This should be a fun time maybe a bit bigger.
  14. I might come if im still awake at 2am .-.
    EffinBatman likes this.
  15. I was just thinking the same thing about my 200x200 hole underneath the ocean lol.
    EffinBatman and ThaKloned like this.
  16. :D I could use an event like this and we can make a 3000x3000 hole around my centre point. This is purely for establishment purposes so you know for sure if your too close to my base :p
    haastregt, EffinBatman and Gawadrolt like this.
  17. Not missed a big dig yet, I'll be there tonight :D
    EffinBatman likes this.
  18. I'll try and get my group together so we can come out to this! :D
    EffinBatman likes this.
  19. Hopefully I can make it to this one. If I do happen to make it, this'll be my first Big Dig event. ;D
    EffinBatman likes this.