The Big Dig (December 16 @ 9pm EMC)

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by DarkModFallen, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. Awesome! I've never heard or done one of these before! I'll try it out!
    LEORYAN10 likes this.
  2. I'll try to make it to this Big Dig™.
    AnonReturns likes this.
  3. Already waiting at SMP6 Waste West! Can't wait to see you all there!
  4. I can be there for aleast 1hr. which means at 3pm emc time I will be back on so we will proball still be diging. Will it be like a same setup like chests for people to use?
    EffinBatman likes this.
  5. I put up a few chests didnt do as many as last time. but we are right on spawn so people can tp back for vault
  6. The Dig Site is very well setup, very cool indeed. Only about 25 minutes to start
  7. Session servers are down right this second, so a lot of people may be late coming in. I will be there as soon as I can.
    AnonReturns likes this.
  8. I might venture out of my hotel room to a place with stronger wifi, if I can get a decent ping I'll more than definitely be there! *fingers crossed* :3
    AnimalGirl120 and poofasaurus like this.
  9. Wait for me! :3
    Edit: grrr, internet access while on vacation is never too good...
  10. It asks if the servers are down :(
  11. Is the server full?
    EffinBatman likes this.
  12. My computer can't handle this: so much lag minecraft crashes.
    EffinBatman likes this.
  13. Should we expand the current dig site?
    EffinBatman likes this.
  14. The next event will expand it
  15. Photos from the Big Dig!
    Down to bedrock!

    The view from the awesome beacon. It allowed us to do this in one hour!

    Selfie Time :3

    What an amazing view!
    Kytula, 607, AgB4ck and 4 others like this.
  16. Okay guys, im going to post some screenshots i took while i was at the Big Dig!

    I actually was the first one there, didn't have anything to do, so i just waited for everyone else to join!

    After a while EffinBatman joined, and i decided to stalk him.

    And a stalking photo of AgB4ck.

    Here you see my weird Entry to the Building Contest.

    And since i was pretty busy at the Big Dig, i just took a screenshot at the end.

    Thanks for the awesome Event EffinBatman, had a bunch of fun today!
    Kytula, 607, AnonReturns and 4 others like this.
  17. Thanks for organising this event EB, it was a lot of fun. It only took about 45 minutes to dig to bedrock, what excellent teamwork. A couple of screenshots for you all to enjoy:

  18. Good fun tnx Effin
    EffinBatman likes this.
  19. thanks for coming
    Silken_thread likes this.