The Big Dig (December 16 @ 9pm EMC)

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by DarkModFallen, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. I don't know if I missed it, but will there be the heads again?
    EffinBatman likes this.
  2. I might not be able to be there by the start but I will get some gear together and be there whenever I can. Do you guys need someone to bring a beacon again or has that been covered?
  3. I Might be able to come! :D
  4. I think that this starts at 1AM for me... I'll think about it :p
  5. what is TBD
  6. To Be Determined -- not announced yet. :)
  7. where is the big dig tonight
  8. It will be announced just before it starts, sometime in the next 2 hours. :)
  9. Welp!! i can't get on EMC Cause SMP6 Is full!!
    EffinBatman likes this.
  10. .-. It's full... what to do.... what to do.....
  11. Tonight was really fun, took some screenshots:

    Here is us about half done

    I don't even know...

    Still not sure...

    Then at the end we all stood on a beacon...
  12. Great fun! I haven't played on server 6, but I showed up after seeing the announcement, cut down a tree for some sticks and went at it with a wooden pick. Some great players tossed me some food and a couple diamond picks and it was game on.

    Thanks to the organizers for their hard work. It wasn't always to keep the kids focused ....
    EffinBatman and gunthro like this.
  13. Now, EffinBatman... I got 2 ok pictures but I got one really good one and I think you'll like it.
    Kytula and jadzia14forever like this.
  14. Kytula likes this.
  15. Glad you had fun Gremmil!
    Kytula likes this.
  16. Well I do believe its time to bring this back OP updated
  17. Are you going to make this one ?
  18. Well I got everything soul bound so yes I will
    TheDarkModRises likes this.