The big debate on EMC ( religious one )

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by ww2fan168, Aug 14, 2015.

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    1. No it isn't. It's a scientific study. A myth is something like Jesus and God. Oh wait...
    2. Yes we are. We just evolve differently to other animals. We can change the environment around us so we don't have to change.
    3. They're not under evolved. They just evolved different. Darwin wrote his study back when racism was okay to do.
    4. Darwin lost his faith as he got older.
    5. What about your eye? And don't tell us to wake up when you're following a ~2 thousand year old religion, when we're following a modern day scientific analyses that isn't based on belief but proof.
  1. Based on that logic the US was wrong to invade Afghanistan after 911 because the terrorists were from there and more Afghans died then people at the trade centers. Correct, we should never have defended ourselves then. It's all about religion to you man. Israel defended themselves, the US defended themselves and we will do it again.
  2. U.S. was wrong to raid Afghanistan. The best combat is to terrorism is not revenge, it's showing your resilience. If you give them revenge, you prove their point for coming after you. I'm sorry, it is all about religion for me. I'm a very religious Muslim. I'm sorry if it offends you. The U.S. will act like they are the UN. There is nothing I can do about that. There is a major difference between self defense and retaliation.
  3. I fixed the post in a few different ways. I apologize greatly for my mistake. After reading your post, I went away for a while and came back, obviously not remembering what was said in your post. I will now thoroughly read all posts before I quote them/talk about them.
  4. Retaliation was the best form of defense. The people who attacked the US on September 11th, 2001 were ruthless killers who took 2,977 lives. Were we supposed to smile, and go on as if nothing had happened while terrorists were planning more attacks overseas?
  5. No. Do as you did nearly 10 years later. Rebuild. What did killing Osama bin Laden prove? Did it prove America's known military dominance? No. It gave the terrorists MORE reasons to blame their attacks on the U.S. They can now say they are avenging their leader.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  6. We didn't kill Osama bin Laden to "Prove a point". We did it because he was a wanted criminal who attacked our country.
  7. But still, it just gives the terrorists more reasons to attack the US.
  8. If that's the case, then answer this, how many al-qaeda attacks have been executed successfully in the us since 911? I have no problems with the muslim faith, only extremists that use faith as a reason for murder. When extremists attack on foreign soil, bringing the fight to them does keep it off of our soil, away from our schools, churches, and innocent people. If a government of a country does not have the capability to stop terrorists on its own, then it is the duty of America to to stop them when those terrorists kill Americans on American soil.
  9. Which is why we're continually fighting to put an end to terrorism over seas.
  10. I cannot see if anyone replied to this one yet, but God will forgive any sin as long as the person who committed the sin repents and tries to change his ways.

    EDIT: I think I got most of the typos.
    Galantisizer likes this.
  11. And I believe a country should be able to defend themselves and react to being attacked. If we didn't do it during WWII the world would be a significantly different place right now.
  12. They have all rights to stop the terrorism. Just don't go kill innocent people and claim its counterterrorism. Stop getting fed up with American propoganda.
    There is no counterterrorism. Only murdering of innocent people.

    This is my last reply for today, I'm really tired. I'll debate tomorrow. Cya'll.

  13. 1. There's more evidence for evolution than there is for gravity (and also religion!). If that doesn't speak volumes to you, I don't know what will.
    2. Humans are evolving. Our species, Homo Sapiens Sapiens, is roughly 200,000 years old. That isn't enough time for us to evolve enough to make a subspecies come out of us. The genus homo also only came from Australopithecus (or Paranthropus?) 1.89 million years ago. Hell, it was only 700,000 years ago when another species came out of Homo Erectus.
    3. Keep in mind Darwin lived in a time when racism was okay.
    4. Darwin was an atheist. After he did enough research on evolution, he said that he can't believe in God any more because he doesn't fit in anywhere.
    5. Why don't you wake up?
    cadenman2002 and Kephras like this.
  14. This thread is being shut down. DO NOT make a new one.
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