The 12 months of farming

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Rhyblet, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. That WAS the plan, but then aikar nerfed it :l
  2. :( nuuu I was gonna try that
  3. Diamond farms won't work anymore. There's a limit on how many enraged can spawn.
    607 likes this.
    Nine ink sacs have been collected at the collection point!

    I have not personally seen the squids, but they must be there due to the ink sacs.
    This leaves us with but one conclusion.
    The squids are messing with me. -_-
    Gadget_AD and Pab10S like this.
  5. Wat, the farm be done? D: And I just got back from vacation with my working face on. *shakes head*
  6. Nope, see three of my posts ago. Still lots of work to be done! :D
  7. Oh good. I didn't get to finish the house/mine/cool thing to walk around in yet, or start it for that fact...
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  8. Yeah, neither hash or I even figured out what that even was supposed to be xD
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  9. Unless you count my amazing deduction that it's a death trap. I walk in, look around, turn around and find an Enraged Skele and a creeper blocking my exit. :p
  10. Speaking of a deathtrap (not really), this thing needs to be finished by the day after tomorrow, so some help would be great >.>
  11. We have our first picture of a live specimen! :D
    Gadget_AD, Pab10S and 607 like this.
  12. Qwerty189 likes this.
  13. Alright, it is now april! That means it's time to announce the next farm! I know I should have done this earlier, but due to an, ahem, academical interference, I'm announcing it today! *Drum roll*
    A Music disc farm!
    Gadget_AD and hashhog3000 like this.
  14. Let's get this rolling! I sure love enslaving skeletons and forcing them to kill creepers. :p
  15. We need to finish the squids first...
    We have around 1/2 hour to an hour left of work needed on the squids!
  16. Sure would be nice to have another person...
    607 likes this.
  17. And the squid farm is DONE!
    Moozak time.
    Gadget_AD and hashhog3000 like this.
  18. You mean other than Qwerty, 8comimi, samsimx and I? :p
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  19. I personallu think that four would be one too many. Even though an extra person would help get the farms done faster, three seems to be working just fine as far as I can see. Correct me if I am wrong.
  20. Well, lately, I've really been the only one working on it, so... :l
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.