Summer 2016

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by EnderMagic1, May 18, 2016.


What do you think about summer?

It will be AWESOME!!! 17 vote(s) 81.0%
Meh. 4 vote(s) 19.0%
  1. I could give you my list but most of you won't find it fun at all (I do though :p)
    iamcavie likes this.
  2. Trust me, I know. The only thing stupider than a Monday exam is having two separate weeks in which you take the exams AND having a Monday exam :p
  3. We had finals monday thru wednesday this week. ;P
  4. Work?

    inb4 Matt posts Rihanna's music video
  5. Taking my friend on vacation and playing Minecraft :3
    EnderMagic1 likes this.
  6. Visiting out-of-country relatives
    EnderMagic1 likes this.
  7. Nice Stuff guys. Bump
  8. things i am going to accomplish this summer

    - i'm done with work in nine freaking days
    - minecraft
    - steam summer sale
    - video games
    - walks
    - family time
    - vacation in florida
    - hope i get to photograph baby sea turtles while in florida
  9. I miss the days of summer breaks. Adulting is hard. I wouldn't recommend it. Sadly, I only made it three months into the year before I took my vacation (Disney World). My sister, brother in law, my son, and I are going to take a road trip to Ohio at some point this summer though to visit the "World's Greatest Amusement Park". Other than that, lots of swimming and camping weekends.
    EnderMagic1 likes this.
  10. bump (I know most of you got out of school ;))
  11. I get out around June 27th. Yes we go further into the year, but we don't go back as soon. :)
    607 and EnderMagic1 like this.
  12. Being lazy like always just with a little more time.
    EnderMagic1 likes this.
  13. Hopefully, this summer I will be able to get in shape mostly. (I can't sprint 180 feet without panting lol) and try to volunteer at my local animal shelter more
    EnderMagic1 likes this.
  14. I finished my Junior High School today.

    Though for this summer, I don't feel confident that I'll enjoy myself, unless one thing I cannot control happens.

    And how can the event be introduced, without all its hatred?


    I might have already gave what "the event" is...
    EnderMagic1 likes this.
  15. We start Aug 1st ;-;
    EnderMagic1 likes this.
  16. Summer homework, summer homework, oh, and did I mention summer homework?
    No. Seriously.

    Plus, I've got a Spanish final exam, an economics final exam, and a math test on the same day next week...yippee.
    And I just got home from a piano recital, with a biology test tomorrow that's so hard the teacher is letting us use a notecard on the test with info.
    EnderMagic1 likes this.
  17. Summer Homework D: that doesn't sound like fun.
  18. (bump)
    My dog is bored since we aren't getting any responses. :p
    UltiPig likes this.
  19. I finish on Friday next week pretty much. I finish secondary school. It's kind of scary.

    As for what I'll be doing over the summer... absolutely nothing, probably, for the first month. Parents are both in work, and my other siblings are in school for another 6 weeks because they're not in Year 11, and screw getting a job lol.
    607 and EnderMagic1 like this.