School is almost out. That time of year has come again. Summer. Share what you will be doing this summer. It can be anything like hiking, or surfing, or playing emc, or taking sleeping pills? The things I'm doing this summer- -Visiting my aunt in CA -Performing at a Family Reunion -Taking a Coding Camp -Playing emc. woo (And working on his event.. you guys will soon find out ) -Going to National Parks with my favorite cousins -Watching my younger brother's sports events -Watching movies This one is going to be so fun. What are you guys doing this summer/winter?
Ill be working as usual (and trying to avoid crazy school kids lol)! But sadly for us over here; its winter and no holidays yet. Hope u have a great time with yours though!
School is almost out? In a few months, you mean? Anyway, I'll probably game a lot, and start doing more work for my YouTube channel again.
I finished school last Wednesday on the 11th. I don't know what I'm doing this summer. I'll improvise.
Math finals, 5 page essay, and some giant marine biology assessment due all the last week of school >_<
Well, I'm happy we don't, because else I'd need to finish a lot of stuff in a week How long is your summer vacation? If you also start school again a few months earlier than I do, I definitely don't mind
Im going to play EMC all summer and maybe volunteer some... actually hopefully volunteer some. I am going to avoid the outdoors as much as possible (I like outside in most places, but when your summers are 100+ degrees with like a 1million humidity, and like NO bodies of water nearby, you would not wanna be outdoors either.)
I finish Monday the 20th (June). Finals end the Friday before that so there is no reason to come to school that day lol.
I have been finished since the May 13th. There is other High School Senior stuff I got to do but I should be getting on a lot more again.
You guys are lucky here in Canada all schools get out in 5 weeks... Well High and Grade schools at least.
An awards day tomorrow, exam day 1 on Friday, exam day 2 on Monday, exam day 3 on Tuesday, and then a half day next Wednesday to finish things up and get final grades submitted. Soooo not that much longer Over the summer I plan to get my first actual job (blah, I know) and hopefully my learners permit to drive begin driving. It should be an interesting summer
Who plans your scedule... that is such a dumb way to do things... Why not have exam day 1 monday then go through wednesday. You dont make tests on Monday anyways every teacher knows that >.> I have exams Wednesday-Friday next week. Dont have to deal witha dumb Monday test. Thats dumb. /rant