[Suggestion] Quick Fix of Light Glitches

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by CaptainFoxy_, Dec 19, 2017.

  1. There has been a noticeable problem which has been quite under the rug for quite some time. Often you see these noticeable glitches in terms of light on your residence after you claim a residence. These are leftover light sources that haven't fully been despawned. I have only one "Quick fix"

    The only solution (currently) to this issue is finding that one source block and trying to cover it up with a block which it will despawn. I believe this can be auto-fixed with a command like /fixlighting and throws a layer of blocks all the way up to build limit and down to ground level in a sweep motion by every layer removing those annoying ghost lights. Or better yet when you do /res reset or /res forceclaim, this function would automatically command over.

    If you have a better solution or suggestion to this problem please speak up! :)
  2. Hate light glitches. Would love something like this.
  3. Light glitches are a client side bug. Not everyone sees it.
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  4. This solution would still work, though.
  5. The probelm with //fixlighting (I have used it a lot on stage) It breaks when the chunks get unloaded, so, it only works for the amount of time the residence is loaded after the reset. you still would need to find those light sources yourself. (as that does consistandly work)
    Basicly: It won't work.
    ShelLuser, 607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  6. light fixing is too intensive on the server. its a major source of lag for mc servers.

    Though some of my peers are working on bringing an improved version of it that will let us turn it back on.
  7. Hate to prove you wrong on this but I loaded two different clients at the same time on my alt residence which has noticeable light glitches, they come up across the board.

    I can't wait for this problem to be fixed :)
    607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  8. @ConductorConduit

    Small fyi.... There are not just one type of light glitches... some show on buildings as a black box area that updates if you place a block but breaks when you leave the area.

    Those ones dont show for everyone. I have tested it many times with my alts.

    There are the ones you showed above that dont always show for both people, and i have also tested to see if its just me or everyone...
  9. I am only talking about the one shown on my reply and in my op. I refer to them as glitches, plural due to being multiple instances of the same glitch, there isn't just one.
    607 and TomvanWijnen like this.