[Suggestion] for the halloween book authors

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MissFable, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. I'm working with batroach to supply some copies for 1r each; please do not abuse this; 1 copy per person so we can stretch the supply as far as possible.
    iNachos10 likes this.
  2. I will mail them both then. I will also include 2 book & quills so I can get a copy of each back :)

    EDIT: Originals and 2 Book & Quills mailed.
  3. Ty ThaKloned
    Pixel_Cat23 now has a copies to clone and has been added to the list.
    The list now officially includes 16 out of 32 scare books.
    ThaKloned likes this.