[Suggestion] EMC Bill of Rights

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Windylava, Jun 17, 2016.


Should EMC have a Bill of rights for the EMC members

Yes 46 vote(s) 26.0%
No 131 vote(s) 74.0%
  1. I wonder where paranoia develops in people's lives where they feel the universe is out to end everything they hold dear and therefore should take offence. The universe doesn't care and we are all here for a cosmological instant. Might as well be happy and have fun playing on emc. Now if something is an obvious threat to pursuit of happiness or freedom irl, it's a little different. But are we too sensitive? If so, what causes it? I guess its better than being blind and losing freedom ? Or is empire just so huge , there will statistically be just some people always questioning staff on every little thing? Idk. Theres my rant haha. Nice and long. Life is truly complex my friends. Peace!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. I'm one of the many reasons this is w bad idea
  3. And if me writing this post leads me to get banned for speaking out for my Rights then I'm truly disappointed in the state EMC is in. That you can be banned for demanding simple rights

    i missed some stuff it appears, in my personal experience "demanding" something never turns out well and just seems very rude, I just like everyone else who voted no just sees this as a really really bad idea, like evryone else has posted earlier it does have a few, a few mind you, good points that i dont need to repeat, but all in all just feels like your trying to make a cyber USA, which would not be a happy place. (sorry for all the ittalics, way to tired to even notice the little italics button is clicked to turn it off. Everyone should jsut be friends ;P
    ShelLuser and Gawadrolt like this.
  4. I agree 100% to focus on the future. We need the past only to be able to compare and to learn something from it.

    Regarding my personal motives, that's not the topic, so only few sentences here. Anyone can ask me more through PM, another thread or even E-Mail. I'm actively discussing EMC community and EMC economy since almost 4 years. I enjoy that and I've learned a lot here. I generally advocate open community approach and fair play and I like very much that EMC steadily changes in this direction since Aikar took over. I'll try to lobby for and to support this development. I'm interested in how (young) people view at community related challenges and this thread is just great in that aspect. I'm interested in social and political topics as a hobby - it is my free time and my pleasure.

    (And no, I didn't lose interest in the game itself yet, thank you, Shell, for asking :) - and yes, it is about the EMC community.)

    It is clear that the "EMC conservative" or "closed community" stream here is quite strong and probably in majority. I didn't think (or realize) that was the case back then, 3-4 years ago - back then I thought they are a minority. From time to time it was not easy to promote open community ideas and sometimes the community and/or staff responses were all but motivating. Instead, I even got insults and threats. But don't pity me a second, that's all part of it, it wouldn't feel real without the parts that hurt. :)

    Really, a community is about exchange and development - it is about drama. That does not mean being rude, insulting or otherwise hurting others. It means opinions, discussions, emotions - and change. A "peaceful" community without "drama" is not a live community, it is dead. (So being a community with a "no drama" rule is a bit contradiction in itself, but that's only one detail worthy of improvement.)

    As i see it, that wouldn't be needed at all. So no, my goal isn't turning EMC inside out.
    I think there is a very good compromise possible, a win-win solution.
    (I see perhaps two structural additions that would make the staff better, but that's a hypothetical projection, there are many "ifs" in between.)

    I can't, because I don't have a manifest (yet).
    Perhaps we can work on one together? :)

    First things first, get a more clear frame for the EMC community "white on black" in the wiki.
    What has been revealed in past few months and also in this thread from your side is not a small thing. In my eyes it is close to being revolutionary (with reserve - it needs clarification and acknowledgement) and I'm happy about that. I think it is a good development.

    True change: It would be great to work on this (primary) mission statement and get the community into it.
    I mean literally.
    This would give a frame for future development.

    I guess it is established by now that there really is an EMC community, so here is another
    True change: ask the community to give ideas for the (primary) mission statement and after that perhaps for a "community statement" - along the lines of your posting above.

    True change: it is the job of moderators to take care that discussions can continue in good manners.

    True change: let the drama flow, let the community live. No rudeness, no insults, no bashing, but yes opinions, yes emotions, yes discussions and debates.

    There is more, but first things first...

    Personal disclaimer: I don't see me as someone who would initiate any social development on EMC, but if there are members here who would and if it is somewhere along ideas of open community, then I'd like to join and try to help with some of my time and energy.

    PS: for all of the "you need to learn to trust staff" people:
    - and you need to learn to trust the community!
    Remember: no community -> no staff.

    Exactly! :)
    SirTah and ShelLuser like this.
  5. But the staff are part of the community too :)
  6. It is not the job of the moderators to have to constantly tell players to stop bringing up sensitive arguments that result in the feelings of other players being hurt, indirectly if not directly. This should be common sense. If a moderator says stop, and people don't stop, then sitting there and simply repeating stop doesn't do anything. An actual stop action has to be made once things reach that point or people will just keep doing it. We've been very good about knowing the proper time to stop a conversation as it is far beyond out of control. Allowing drama to 'flow' simply isn't in our repertoire and isn't going to be.

    If you wish to have a debate/discussion over something that we deem as controversial, then take it into a private chat. Keep in mind the variety of players we have on EMC. Some players' parents may not want their child's views of the world influenced by strangers on the internet. Some players themselves may play on EMC to escape the harsh realities of the world. I've already dealt with my fair share of both of those issues brought to my attention. At the end of the day, this is a community that plays Minecraft and the debates/discussions about controversial topics need to stay between those that want to hear it.
  7. It is all natural to limit the range of topics in the forum.
    My comment does not imply that the EMC forum should be open for any possible topic.
    The appropriate range of topics is meant, of course.

    Then the moderator shall have instruments to enforce - like turning off the mike of the people in question - in order to allow others to continue.

    You're touching a very good topic here - I was thinking about that for quite some time, but I wouldn't open this yet.

  8. Then what do you mean by saying change is needed? We already do this...
    Gawadrolt and M4ster_M1ner like this.
  9. Then perhaps a place in the Wiki can be found to mention that, so all members can find it and have it as a reference.

    True changes (in my eyes - and I'm very glad if this is already so):
    - no closing of heated "drama" threads with otherwise appropriate topic, but instead moderating to allow discussion to continue and not to be disturbed by rude / inappropriate / insulting or spamming postings.
    - follow sensible rules when editing others posts: add comment about who edited and why, send original contents to the person in a PM
    - the person that started the thread "owns" the thread only to a distinct point. If the OP requests closing, the other participants shall be informed in the closing message that they may continue discussion in a new thread if they wish.
    - the moderator can refuse to close a thread even if OP requests it when it is clear that other participants would like to continue discussion

    - if a thread is closed because of controversial / unwanted topic, the closing statement shall contain that decision / explanation.

    Bottom line: minimum violence approach
    SirTah likes this.
  10. I'd like to say 2 things. First a repeat of what several players have already mentioned before me: some people keep talking about the community, but also totally ignore the result of the poll up there.

    Second: hasn't this gone on long enough now? I for one am now un-watching this thread and I'd really like to suggest to give this a rest already. If you feel the need to discuss more follow up on Krysyy's suggestion and use a PM.

    I want to focus my attention on Minecraft & playing again.
  11. If a thread gets out of hand and players ignore staff warnings, it's closed.
    If a thread is requested to be closed, then it's closed.
    We don't edit without reports being filed, whether by staff or non-staff. That original info is kept on the report logs if it is required for a dispute.

    This isn't info that needs to be on the wiki past the forum rules stating that staff will take action if deemed necessary.
  12. The poll shows that almost 30% of people who voted would even support a quite radical true change. That's actually a huge thing.

    Can a community vote to not talk about itself?
    What kind of an idea is that?

    I don't see what's the problem?!?
    Everyone chooses freely which threads to read and which not.

    What Shell is trying to do here is to say "this thread / topic is not worth further discussion."
    And that's plain rude.
  13. Granted the majority of that 30% voted before they actually read what was wanted.
    Regardless, I'm not opposed to continuing discussion with you and the community about these matters, but there needs to be a form of question(s) asked that I can actually answer yes/no to.

    So far, we've established a simple clarification/restatement of what already exists.
    We3_Nub, Sparticals and Acemox2k like this.
  14. -1 from me. Each and every staff member is fantastic at what they do, and they may not be perfect, but they still know how to handle their job very well. I had one "run-in" with a staff member that turned out to be a cover story. Other that that, I have never once had a complaint about a staff member and I have personally contacted many. There is no need for a bill of rights and like many said, EMC is a private group and they are entitled to do whatever the heck they want to us.
    Sparticals and Acemox2k like this.
  15. i agree with Shell on this matter, and he isn't saying "stop this bikering right this instance" he is simply saying that instead of continueing here, start a new thread or pm with the members of this condersation who WANT to continue, so far 73% of voters have chosen No to this, these are the players that are apart of the community and they dont want this, it would seem rude to just ignore that fact. (my 2 cents)
    We3_Nub, DWmom, Acemox2k and 3 others like this.
  16. OOOO!!! OOOOO!!!! MR. Koter. I recognize that! I said trust the staff! I am one of the "trust the staff" people and "trust the community" people. I shed my cloak of obscurity and step forward into the light. Although no one has replied to my question of who are "WE THE PEOPLE" because I am not one of those people. I am a community people and curious of the label of conservative or closed put upon the community by M4ster M1ner. Perhaps because it does not fit His ideals. Did you ask what we are called or just give us a label that suited you. Coming up with labels of this nature tend to cause rifts and separation within groups and can foster tension.

    You seem to think that drama is a necessity of life itself if not just this server. I would think you should define your thoughts on drama. I have spent many days on EMC in which excitement was abound. Events were happening, people were joining up for trips into the wild and crazy discussions were happening that brought people together on res's. Good times. This could be termed dramatic to a certain extent as the players were quite animated and things were flowing, if you know what i mean. I have also seen complaining and whining and players arguing about who did what and when. I was also on my res when two players came on my res and started trying to get my stuff. When I would not give it to them, they got real mad and cursing at me. I called in staff who dropped everything on the other server (Possibly a case of him telling someone to just drop it i have to go) and came to take care of the problem. The problem turned out to be bigger than expected, quite the battle raged for those who were there to see. That is Drama we can do without.

    Aside from the fact that at the time of my posting the yes vote is at 27% (Numbers are falling at the polls), I had to reread your comment.

    "Can a community vote to not talk about itself? What kind of an idea is that?"

    Your logic is flawed, you are saying free speech, making decisions on the community level, being heard, not being ridiculed or put down for any thought or idea. Why couldn't the community make such a vote? You speculated it yourself and then condemd it in the next breath. Under the guidelines you propose it would be no problem to put it to a vote. Why would you censure such a thing when the majority is bringing it up? It would not matter in your own words if 30% of the population brought it up.

    The biggest problem with making rules and laws is being fair and just. Not thinking about what I want or even what the people need right now, but how many ways can this work against us all and what will bring the greatest benefit to all.

    I am trying not get to involved in this to much and M4ster M1ner I am not putting you down for your efforts or beliefs. Perhaps the things I bring up would be evident in time as you thought through the the posts that had been made.
    Sparticals likes this.
  17. You guys are the BEST at writing SUPER long posts :D
  18. Yep, a bunch of hrumphh de humpfery and poof fer poofery
    BenMA likes this.
  19. It can't be helped Faithcaster when there is so much to put when trying to clarify your reasoning on this matter lol, a shame 2016 cant just be like 2015 :p

    Edit: its now 75% for No
  20. This server is here for our enjoyment. No Gain, No Physical Loss. When you signed up on the forums, you agreed to the Terms and Conditions for this server. They were the rules and they were put there for a reason.

    Think about it this way. The rules set on this server are NOTHING compared to rules I've seen elsewhere. They are actually very easy to follow.

    You want free speech? Go Right on ahead and have free speech. We can't stop you for speaking your thoughts.
    But also keep in mind that you agreed to the rules. Do not Spam, Do not be rude to people, Keep chat Family Friendly.
    Acemox2k, ShelLuser and Gawadrolt like this.