beside mumble i dont think i have had any interaction with you and when in mumble itd normly in crowd which i tend to dislike due to fighting to speak, i get easly irritated with ontant loud talking so i tend to either mute my self or leave to talk with the people im involved with at the current time hope ou never saw this as me disliking you . as for the "bi-gay" thing people seem o be hating on nothing wrong with that mate. ps women can be a pain /hides from wife
haha thanks dude No ... I don't fully associate mumble with people's characteristics in games ... when someone is put in the spot light on mumble they either are very hyper (le cough* me) and talk about literally anything... Whereas in game - i'm a bit more serious... I try to get the job done - that's the way I am. Other people on mumble are under pressure and don't talk much ... or are very hateful or really nice... Whereas in game they are very talkative, or very nice, or maybe give off a different impression from what they normally act like when they talk to you. - It's weird however, most the people I have issues with in game, I can talk with just fine on mumble ... see it as just another conversation, and that's it.... Other people though that I have issues with on mumble though I normally just try to avoid them or not associate with them in general to keep me from stressing out. ps) No I never thought you didn't like me... maybe a few of the people you hang with don't get along with me...but I generally If I do have a quarrel with someone try to forget it very fast... that maybe it's just a bad day and that's not normally how they act... but if they keep repeating it multiple times, I associate them as someone I shouldn't hang around... pps) I will try to get on emc mumble more - I was just trying to give myself a break from talking to people on mumble to reduce anger issues from arising with myself
First of all, your quotes are awesome Also, you should check out this song, it's one of my favorites BTW, I thought you were from US/UK. You write English sooo good! I wish that I could write like that..
hehe thanks ... Btw, this is like the 5th time I heard this song. Once from inuyasha1204, once from facebook , once from just randomly finding it on youtube, once from windylava, and now again on here As for grammar you wrote very well My mom tried teaching my siblings and me how to be proper: Correct etiquacy To say thank you when you receive something from someone, always. To always try new things and How to speak and write proper before I enter into school. Few of these things I don't always do, especially with writing (Like punctuation) because i'm semi-lazy; However... I try my best
Man, that must suck. Feel sorry for you. But, yeah, I'll be your friend in-game if you want me to. I'll also let you have a house on my res: 1540, smp1. I'm a nice guy. (So nice that I give out free diamond stuff sometimes!) But you have to promise: No stealing or griefing!!! (I might find a way around that.... ) EDIT: And I'll let you ride my roller coaster for free!!!
Also, many people who are "gay" have had successful lives. Take the band Queen for example. Don't let your problems right now bring you down and do what you love doing. You will be successful.
Sorry you feel that way eklektoi. Not that it means anything, but talking with you (and usually Matheus as well) is one of the highlights of logging into emc.
And that has any relevance to anything what so ever? EDIT: Some threads have been going on and off for over a year now...
Caleb... I've never really been left out of anything socially, because in high school, I usually turn down party invites, purely because I don't interact super well with people. I also go to an all boys school, No not meaning I'm gay, just showing that I never really get the chance to interact with girls, I go to the 4 dances we have a term and never really get any girls attention, My friends leave me by my own to walk around pointlessly, that's when I came to the conclusion that you can't actually find the perfect friend, but that the people I've trusted most, are on this server, (Stupid.. I know) But its true for me. I get depressed, mostly by the fact that there's no place for me, no one really want's me here. Now that I've just re-read that at this point, I'm going to get on topic (Derp) I only really came in contact with you on mumble, and straight away I wanted to be friends, I joined your borderlands 2 games with you and matheus, But straight away I felt unwelcomed, The three people I wanted to really be friends with on this server, was You, Matheus, and SouthPark34. And unfortunatly that didn't end up as I wanted. And your personality, Man, hey it might not get you anywhere at this age because, For one reason, most popular people are willyheads And when your older, and everybody is mature, You'll go far, I bet you 100,000 rupees ~RoBoT