SMP8 Public Wild Utilities

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by khixan, Jun 16, 2015.


SMP8 wants ???

XP Grinders 145 vote(s) 46.0%
Iron Farm 63 vote(s) 20.0%
Gold Farm 52 vote(s) 16.5%
Guardian Farm 39 vote(s) 12.4%
Other (leave in comments) 16 vote(s) 5.1%
  1. Peps runs the Nether Hunting Grounds; I just help out there. Not sure what the status is on that. Check with Sgt_Pepper4.

    The Wild S rail has slowly been getting done over the past few months. I'd love any help on it :) I just need to give anyone who'd like to help the materials. I have them all, and it's a pretty easy "copy the pattern" type thing. Just ride down the rail a bit to find where I stopped last time. It's cobble, stone brick, and sea lanterns. I have all three for it. Thank you both!

    EDIT: Access chest setup for you both on my 1st res. Thank you again!
    Tuqueque likes this.
  2. where will you make it and did you know there is a guardian monument near the rail?
    Tuqueque likes this.
  3. Im finished for today I'm going to be off on Wednesday ill help then and do you want the entrance to slime time renovated?
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  4. Yep, we're aware of the monument and are ignoring it. I've done quite enough of those. Help yourself to it. Pretty sure it's been raided already several times.

    Nope, just the rail itself. Just continue with the established pattern please and thank you! :D
    Tuqueque likes this.
  5. There is a Marlix out at Slime Time that won't die. If someone wants it, have at it!
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  6. Look, if you need me to take down that Marlix, I'm not doing it, UNLESS you supply me with Soulbound gear and a sword. Besides, I'm only for Slime Time if I have to, and besides, I only do the floors.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  7. corruptedsmile just did an inspection on Wild N public builds. Multiple minor griefs. Some bookcases, the mooshroom is dead again, some blocks missing from Pigmentus, etc. Heading there now to get a mod and do a report and then fix it all. Thank you corrupted for checking on the builds!
    tuqueque likes this.
  8. After further checking everything, and help from LuckyGreenBird and iamcavie and corruptedsmile, we found more griefing. They have been banned.

    FinalArc/Finalysm - I need your help please to fix the flusher at Pigmentus. Thank you!

    Peps, I hate to tell you this but they trashed the iron farm. Sorry mate.

    CodyGraw and AmoenaRegina - They did a little damage to the roads. I think corrupted fixed most of it. A few stone slabs at start is all that's left to fix as I write this.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  9. Khixan I know I've been doing the road to slime time but is there any improvements i could do?
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  10. The Wild S rail is a mess Luigi. What you're doing IS a huge improvement! :D

    If you want to do something more adventurous, we need to find a blaze spawner close to an outpost. I know Wild W and /nether don't have any within a reasonable distance. I have not checked Wild N, Wild E, or Wild S for any. A public blaze grinder would be great to have, especially as a fuel source.

    Or team up with Shy to work on a witch hut farm, or ForeverMaster for the enderman grinder. They are running those projects, not me.

    The only other projects we have not done public builds for are a massive iron farm which I've finally got the right design for (that took a ton of experimenting), and the scream machine (ghasts and other nether mobs). Both are not trivial undertakings, and I'm waiting for my real life to quiet down before I even attempt to start them.
    ShyguytheGamer1 and tuqueque like this.
  11. Is the Marlix at Slime Time still there? If it is, ok, but I'm feeling quite adventerous. I might do a little floor inspection, if I even remember how to get to Slime Time.
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  12. I didn't know where else to mention this but the Iron farm's area was griefed again. The snowmen are gone, there's no golems I think. And even the pumpkins are gone.
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  13. Nope it's gone now. but the squid weren't dropping last I checked. Been meaning to post this

    No idea how this farm works, but this didn't look right.

    Also I'm at the snow/iron farm atm

    I am cleaning the area up again and replacing the snow golems..again
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  14. The squid farm is annoying as all get out. If squid don't drop, you have to leave the area (unload the chunk) and then come back. Rinse and repeat until they start to drop. I usually just hunt slimes there and grab the ink sacs by coming up every few minutes. Very frustrating farm on emc.
    Tuqueque and Kytula like this.
  15. Found the iron farm lying in ruins. Just got weeh out here, sorry Sgt, this will take days to fix, I placed down a sign saying "Keep griefing, see where that gets you on EMC"
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  16. So, I saw the Iron Farm in disrepair and I wondered if it were possible if I could build another iron farm near the gold farm. This is further away, so there will be (slightly) less greifings. All materials will be obtained by me and would follow a similar colour scheme to Pigmentus, and everything built with me. Is this possible? If so, could someone tell me where I could start to build it. Thanks :)
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  17. Mm hmm...
    Maybe you should consider making plans to turn this all into one giant outpost? Once land claiming is done, people can probably be whitelisted/ blacklisted.

    Make it so that only those people on your staff/repair teams can edit anything. Only allow those few things that are truly public to be usable by public--chests, doors, etc. Once land claiming is out, hopefully it'll work similar to Town--like an Empire :D
    You may even consider dividing everything up into sub-empires, so only workers within one area can work in that area--they can't edit any other areas.

    It'll still be public. Just much less griefable =P

    Did you hear that, Aikar? HURRY with those land claiming/empire implements xD
  18. SteamingFire - oh so agreed LOL! :D

    Hi Cuto,
    I have the plans for a big iron farm as well as the villagers, doors, and other materials. I don't have time to do it at the moment. I was looking to start that project in late January after the holidays and my son's birthday. It would need to be 100 blocks from The Grinders, Pigmentus, and Sushi Drop. It would also preferably be over open ocean so we don't have to deal with people placing doors nearby and messing it up. Ideally, we could place it somewhere easy to reach with the existing roads and rail.
    After much testing of various designs, I chose Finch's as the best for an EMC public build with a twist to reduce the AFK factor. I don't like single AFK farms for public builds. Multiple people should be able to use it at the same time. The Grinders support 3 people at once, Pigmentus supports 4 people comfortably (and at a stretch can do 6), and Sushi Drop can support a dozen easily. Same scheme down at the Wild South public wild utilities (slimes, snow, ice, squid). One person AFK'ing at a chest is not happening while I have any say in it. I don't know what you have in mind exactly, but the ultimate goal of these farms is to build community and friendships. Getting a bunch of materials while you're at it is the FTW. If you want to collaborate with those goals in mind, I'd be happy to have more help! There is a large crew of people who contribute to these farms in many different ways - materials, labor, maintenance, inspections, mod reports, repairs, enhancements, documenting (pics/video), etc. We can always use more help. Inspections, mod reports, and maintenance are tedious and time consuming. The builds themselves are huge, and many take weeks of coordinated work. They can become an endurance test pretty quick (I nearly puked by the end of Slime Time, Sushi Drop, and Squid Doom). Hit me up mid January to collaborate please!

    Jules a.k.a khixan
    Tuqueque likes this.

  19. Hi Khixan,
    I would love to collaborate with you. This will make the process a lot quicker. I have a few questions:
    • By a multi-person farm, do you need multiple chests to take from, or a kill bay where weaken golems go?
    • How many cells of spawning are we going to do? I though 3 to 4 in a 2 by 2 fashion. Of course, if we are adventurous, we could build cells 80 blocks above, instead of below.
    Also, I thought it would be a good idea to build it in the area around sushi drop. There is a lot of sea there xD

    Cuto (Toto if you didn't know) :)
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  20. I totally did not know lol. Was wondering where you vanished off to :D
    I like the kill bay. The trick to that would be pulling it off correctly on EMC (getting them to 1 hit kills).
    The build I have in mind is 16 units, 4 stacked in each corner of a square. Each unit uses 16 villagers and 48 doors (if I counted right). I have screenies of it, will put them up come January. Thanks!
    Tuqueque and TotoStyle like this.