smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. how is that possible?
    Jakres, brickstrike and zulu9 like this.
  2. How is what possible.
    Jakres likes this.
  3. More photos! :D

    The party started at the end of the Wintermoon Express line:

    2013-07-10_17.57.17_2.png 2013-07-10_17.57.22.png 2013-07-10_18.03.09.png

    Took some group photos on top of the bridge:

    2013-07-10_18.12.14.png 2013-07-10_18.12.19.png 2013-07-10_18.13.37.png

    Took the party to Bilbo's place: :D

    2013-07-10_18.15.52.png 2013-07-10_18.21.39.png 2013-07-10_18.27.22.png 2013-07-10_18.29.41.png 2013-07-10_18.29.52.png 2013-07-10_18.33.18.png 2013-07-10_18.35.28.png 2013-07-10_18.42.30.png

    Thanks for coming everyone! It was a blast! :D
  4. Ok... The nether is basically a 1:8 scale. For every block you travel in the nether, you travel 8 blocks in the overworld.
    so, if you enter a portal at 0,0,0, then you walk 1000 Blocks along the X axis in the nether, and come back out to the overworld, you will be at 8000, 0, 0.
    Jakres, shavingfoam and zulu9 like this.
  5. Its something alright.
  6. Looks cool! :D
    Jakres, brickstrike and zulu9 like this.
  7. It's like a baby clock tower xD

  8. ;)
  9. I could not help but make one of those weird motivational posters.

    First it was meant ironic but the more I look at it the more I like it :confused:;)
  10. Hello everyone of the LLO. I have lived in town on smp7 for all of my 450+ days, but it was not until today that I made my first trip out to the LLO with a couple friends. To put it simply, I was blown away. I spent several hours running through the suburbs, riding the efficient railways, admiring the magnificent bridges and houses, finding Yeti village and Wintermoon island, and noticing the history and stories each place there holds. I vastly enjoyed my experience, and I have to say that if I did not already have 4 built residences in town on smp7 I would have moved out there in an instant. I am amazed by what you all have accomplished, and wish I could have been a part of the LLO's history, especially back in the glory days of the wild. It inspires me to build up my small wild base, and now that I know its a 1-2 minute trip out there I'll be visiting very frequently. :)
  11. Can I have the co-ords as well?
    Jakres likes this.
  12. PMed! :D
    Jakres likes this.
  13. Umm broken link? :confused:
    Jakres likes this.
  14. Maybe its somethings alright.
  15. mother-of-god.jpg

    I love it! :D
    Jakres, zulu9, brickstrike and 3 others like this.
  16. Wait, weren't we going to have a beach somewhere near there...? Eh, never mind then, looks awesome anyhow! :D
  17. Hmm. Must have been a temp url.
    Jakres, L0tad, penfoldex and 7 others like this.