smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. -_-
    We could go till the end of EMC, and it'll be 5,026 pages long and it'll have 1,500,003 posts...
  2. :D
    Jakres and penfoldex like this.
  3. /Off Topic
    please don't use that color text ever again..
    /On Topic
    Neighborhood watch team sounds like a great idea.
    Jakres, zulu9 and penfoldex like this.
  4. So your suugesting that we do that? Ok, I shall commence posting random gibberish and make this huge...
    Jakres likes this.
  5. Ok thanks!
    Jakres and penfoldex like this.
  6. /spam
    Jakres, penfoldex and mba2012 like this.
  7. In this thread... there is no off topic...
  8. And…you failed in quoting. :p

    But there is spam though…we can't keep "bumping" this thread every second. ;)
    Jakres, mba2012 and catwarrior7 like this.
  9. Its possible. :p
  10. Jakres likes this.
  11. Wow... Just like I failed just as mba did >_<
    Jakres, penfoldex and mba2012 like this.
  12. Its just.. not a good combo with the background :/
    Jakres likes this.
  13. I spent 8 minutes programming and I come back and realise, so I fix it then realise you all posted about it... I am an idiot sometimes :p
    Jakres and BilboBaggins23 like this.
  14. It depends on the background you are using, but okay, red wasnt the best color anyways...
    Jakres likes this.
  15. I don't think you can change the background color.. :confused:
    Also, I didn't mean to come off hostile if that's how you took it.. :oops:
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  16. Yeah you can change it, go to Preferences then color or background I think
    Jakres likes this.
  17. Oh, Well, then its a nightmare on the default background then.
    Jakres and BilboBaggins23 like this.
  18. Mines black and blue, it looks cool!
    Jakres and BilboBaggins23 like this.
  19. Same here ;)
    Jakres likes this.