smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. What supplies do you need?
    Jakres likes this.
  2. So I had never planned to leave entirely, just took a break but Dear freaking Notch this is embarrassing. Why build a sh*tton of houses that aren't going to be used? The LLO is basically full of rundown houses. "we need a shopping district." No, you don't that's what the wild is for, mine for your things and leave money out of it as everyone has said. When the fights get started it's always the same person. What happened to getting along and actually working together? Instead of flying in raging that you're going to rip peoples homes up, post on here and talk to people. When you're told the mouse sized area you're wanting to cram something the size of an elephant in is too small and to move it to a more elephant sized spot do so. L0tad if you rage in real life like you do on these forums then you're in for a heart attack or going off on the wrong person. Nobody has ever attacked you but the way you act towards everyone who has tried to help you is horrible.
    zulu9, Jakres, NINJATTILA and 5 others like this.
  3. When I came to the LLO with L0tad, it was very friendly. I'm not seeing that same hospitality anymore. Everyone of L0tad's ideas have been shot down by the same people for same the reasons. Maybe you, the residents of the LLO, should stop being rude and give some respect to L0tad and maybe, just MAYBE, there won't be as much arguing as there currently is. Minecraft is a game that people build whatever they think up, in this case the Gangnam district, which is a massive modern, non-economic, free to live in, not messing with other people's property, area of the LLO. Maybe you should let L0tad build one of his projects for once and see how this actually goes.

    You made him leave downtown, and now, on the borders of the LLO, you're basically kicking him out. This whole wall concept is stupid, but now since people are putting walls around their territory, he's putting walls around his territory to defend it as I type. Zulu, is this what you think is fair, people having to fence in their land to protect it from others, and yes, L0tad was a maniac, but now he wants to split the land down the middle. The reason he is not building as he is developing it is because he is doing it in stages, similar to a modern construction project. He was about to start stage one but now, a few people stepped in and now a compromise in impossible.

    Yes, here comes the "if you don't like it, then go somewhere else" statements. If you don't like it, DON'T look at it.

    L0tad logic-
    -Being rude/bossy/overbearing/demanding gets him angry. He is easily provoked
    - It is extremely hard to calm him down, it should be handled with great care
    - Occasionally, if he is provoked enough, he loses normal thought processing and goes on a rampage
    - It's not pretty watching him get mad

    Thank you for your time,

    Gangnam worker matthew12hydro
    Jakres and NINJATTILA like this.

  4. Yes, i rage worse in real life, and some guy made a joke about me being a suaside bommer to the wrong person. That is why i am so hot temped. That is a long story. All you guys need to know is that i have one messed up head.
    Jakres likes this.
  5. L0tad, what we are trying to say in an odd way is that we don't want a huge city. The LLO will never be big enough for a huge city, it will end up like Chernobyl, a run down city with no one expect tourists in radiation suits there. If you really want to do something as big as this make your own outpost where every building is like that. At the LLO everyone builds their own house the way they want, just for themselves, sometimes they will build a community building for the community, but they are only small.

    Take a look at what I have built; I built a house which was burnt down in the end, I moved to a derelict house which was burnt down 3 times, I now live in the west. I also fixed up a nightclub which was burnt down, your old gangnam project and souls house now take up that area. I also helped build the town hall, I built an extension of the guesthouse, I fixed the community workshop. I am also building the stadium. Do you notice something there? I do, all of these buildings are small, all of these buildings are for personal pleasure or for the community. The stadium is huge BUT it is solely community centred.

    Look, I myself like the idea of a large city like that with open spaces and lots of greenery BUT when you build something like that in RL you have to build it in the right place, Dubai being the right place for a project like this. The LLO is not Dubai so it would not fit here. I would love to help build it but it is not the right place to build something like this.

    So L0tad, please move your Gangnam project somewhere else and just live at the LLO like a normal member, with your own small house somewhere and helping the community fixing things.
    Jakres, Curundu and Philovanrood like this.
  6. No, why would others want to come live there?

    Again, I'm not saying you shouldn't do your project, I'm just saying that it is never going to be populated any more than Yetti is.
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  7. Actually, I don't care at all. No one complains about Yetti. This is the same thing. Just let them build their stuff.

    I do think that the "borders" conversation, and the scope of the project is up for discussion, but the parties currently in the area can work that out.

    I vote yes on Gangnam within the LLO walls.
    Jakres, zulu9, L0tad and 1 other person like this.
  8. This may have gone a bit too far now. You have built a fence around it. You require permission to enter. What is the point of this, I can easily walk in and wander around. And I find fences restrict what you build. I don't know what the rest of the LLO think but I don't really like the idea of a fence.
    Jakres, SoulPunisher and zulu9 like this.
  9. I did not think that though
    Jakres likes this.
  10. EXP bottles, redstone dust, snow, diamonds.
    Not sure about mba and the stadium. We could probably use some more fireworks.
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  11. Not true. If you surpass a certain block limit you will lag the server and potentially crash it, and the wild would have to be rolledback by a few hours and you will be banned if caught. However that block limit would probably take 3-4 real life days, with no breaks, to breach.
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  12. I have anger issues and possibly ADHD - and even I don't think I have ever raged worse than you, l0tad. Sure, I have raged on other websites and servers and got myself banned off them, but I didn't really care about those sites or servers, and then my friend referred me to EMC, and this was a server I cared about. At first, it was hard to contain my rage, but I got kicked twice...One for spamming and cussing (which was just a rage sentence but it is inappropriate for EMC, and I slipped off my chair and sprained my arm the 2nd time), and the other for spamming (which was a system kick because I was typing really fast in chat and raging at somebody).

    I then realized that if I continued like this, I would eventually get banned and I did not want that to happen. So, I went back to typing like they do in books and like what I had been taught in school, and nobody complained that I was having a furnace-heated argument with them, just a friendly one. I then began to learn how to handle situations where people were insulting me, through (but not aggressive) comedian-like remarks and my smart-alec personality I have in IRL.

    My point is, maybe l0tad should do the same. He needs to learn how to control his anger if he wants to stay in the LLO, or maybe even the EMC community.

    EDIT: A primary-school classmate, who hates me, published a link on facebook, and I posted 'fail'. I should have been a little more informative, but his reaction was: "WHAT THE HELL JAMIE? IF YOU CAN MAKE A BETTER GAME THAN ME THEN GO AHEAD AND WHILE YOU'RE AT IT GO AND **** YOURSELF WITH YOUR OWN ****".

    I then responded with 'Wut? I meant 'fail' because the link is broken. Also, the above comment is really funny - you should be a freaking comedian because you're funnier than John Bishop ever will be! Also, i've been coding since I was 9 - you just steal things off others".

    When I was 11 (which wasn't even a year ago), I would have replied with "THE HELL IS THAT FOR, YOU LITTLE IDIOT MEET ME AT SCHOOL IN THE MORNING AND WELL HAVE A FIYT"

    See, i'm more mature now.
    Jakres, zulu9, Philovanrood and 4 others like this.
  13. Nobody seems to have that hospitality because they all either gave up and left or they're the only ones willing to fight when someone wants to just rush in and cram stuff into space that isn't big enough. He is the one who started it all because he just came flying in with an essay about how he was going to build his "China Town" which was a copied name for something mba had planned. He was going to tear down homes and things that people built, fill it with ugly cobble buildings, take out the sand and refill it with dirt. Deserts are supposed to have sand. Cobble is ugly in large quantities.

    We have all tried to compromise with him and explain to him that
    1. He can't expect people to just agree to having their homes wrecked.
    2. He can't demand things be done.
    3. When we suggest FINDING BIGGER AREAS because the area he wants is too small and he freaks out and starts talking about shooting ranges, that stuff scares people. He's 12 and shouldn't be talking crazy stuff like that.
    4. When we suggest available space and it's outside the main LLO it's not because we're being a bunch of jerkbags, it's because we're trying to help. We're not saying "Oh your stuff is unimportant, build it here." That's how he takes it.
    5. The stuff he has built now just sits there in the crowded area he left it, spawning mobs and blowing stuff up. Nobody uses it.
    6. We have given him areas to build in, yet nothing is ever built, it turns into things like this and him demanding more land/houses torn down/project given up.

    So before you start calling us the bad guys, look at it from everyone's point of view. We have all tried to help.
    Jakres, zulu9, Philovanrood and 4 others like this.
  14. um...pandas...I found a bigger is in the west...

    14, i am 14 and i only have mention a shooting range twice,on a thread about gun rights.
    Jakres and 72Volt like this.
  15. So you magically aged two years? I'm so confused. I never get your age right. The gun rights thread I can understand, but when you're posting about going to a shooting range on a thread full of people who are trying to help you out and have just basically dictated orders to, they're going to see you as crazy.
    Jakres, Philovanrood and SoulPunisher like this.
  16. I dont know why you thought i was 12. I posted that to say i wont respond to eny more posts that night. I don't know why i mentioned ware i was going tho, point proven that you should never fully trust some random dj that goes under the name of a pokemon.

    perhaps my epics anglish scilz leds u t belivez tat Ai is 12, but i explained that already
    Jakres likes this.
  17. I'm back from naseby!
    Had a great time....
    A few drunk young people on new years though...
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.

    L0tad/whoever else is claiming biomes: FOR GOD SAKE PEOPLE, we all know for a god dang fact you wont use it all, so why tear the whole bloody thing down? And what gives you the right to come in, and just destroy other peoples stuff? NOTHING DOES, so knock it off! You don't need to knock down a whole biome just for a district. Look at the one I made, little Toronto. I didn't come in and do that. I made my house, and just built other stuff, taking down trees when I needed to. That whole area that you took down was on of my favourite places, but then you boneheads came in and knocked it down for no real reason other than you could. This whole land crap is one of the main reasons I left the LLO.
    Jakres, zulu9, Philovanrood and 8 others like this.
  19. I also left because I was afraid to build anything near my West Side house, (Which, USED TO BE, surrounded by trees.) because if I did, I was afraid some derp would walk in and say, "Umm, yeah, that building with five floors and made out of stone bricks, bricks, smooth stone, mossy cobble, and planks, yeah, you have five days to move it or we remove it."
    Jakres, zulu9, Philovanrood and 3 others like this.
  20. No, just no. Something tells me you could cram all of the central area and the desert into that, along with the northern part, and still have room in that. You really need to rethink the amount of land you need.