smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. I'll keep rendering as long as I can use the server but am running out of nice spots in my worldsave.
    Anyone wants to share some LLO world save with me, please send me a PM. I have like 10 days I can do those. After that the server will be used for other stuff and I can't do those on my crappy computer.
    Jakres, penfoldex and mba2012 like this.
  2. Cool pic. Also, GET A NEW COMPUTER! :p
  3. Sure. Just send me one, I can PM you my address ;)
    Unfortunately A new computer is way down on my things to get list at the moment. I am living for a few month without a cell phone now because I lost my crappy old one.
    Jakres, ZBSDKryten and mba2012 like this.
  4. What do you think about this EMC newspaper idea?

    I really like the idea of an in-game EMC newspaper. I asked the guy if he would deliver to the wild too.
    So if you are interested maybe jump on that thread. If I was able to get in game and have a home at LLO again I'd like to have a newspaper delivered. Sounds awesome and a nice way to keep updated on town issued without leaving the game.
    Also I think the LLO can provide some good stories for them to publish for all the townies.
    Jakres, L0tad and mba2012 like this.
  5. Here you go I mail you the new Iphone 6 enjoy ;)
    zulu9, Jakres, penfoldex and 3 others like this.
  6. You don't earn much money do you?
    Jakres likes this.
  7. Thanks! I see they really figured the usability out. Got rid of all the confusing parts like the screen. Finally an Iphone my grandma could use!
    Jakres, penfoldex, jkjkjk182 and 2 others like this.
  8. At the moment? No. I really hope to change that 2013 so wish me luck.
  9. I have been tossing around a monthly out of game, as well as in game, newspaper idea for the llo only. Perhaps we can expand on what i have worked on, or not. Please tell me what you think.
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  10. Maybe you can work with the guy that had the Empire Times Idea. There could be a local section about LLO news, maybe. Or a general "wild news" section with a LLO column.
    I think it would be better to have one big newspaper with various EMC topics to start instead of launching several smaller ones. This way it will be interesting to read for most EMC players and the whole newspaper idea might become an EMC thing.
    Jakres likes this.
  11. That is what i am thinking, although it would limit our freedom to post what we want (whit only a small section) We could have our own about 6 page paper, as well as a page in the emc newspaper. Like that idea?
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  12. Luke4214 was going to do this but he did not get enough time. Though he might do it again....
    Jakres likes this.
  13. Sure if you got enough content you can make a LLO newspaper. As of now I don't think there is any newspaper on the EMC so people are not used to it. Getting one established sounds like a good idea. If we got content then we can alsways do our own paper, pamphlets etc.
    The reason I like the joined paper to start is it could help connect the wild and town to avoid the stupid "wild vs. town" battles we see once in awhile.
    Jakres likes this.
  14. That is more along the lines of what i am thinking

    And the Wild V. town is stupid, we could not exist on the scale we are with out them, and the other way too.

    we need a page in the emc paper
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  15. I had big plans for the library before my computer broke and I got stuck with this one.
    I thought of it like an archive. People could write all kinds of stuff. Novels, History books, newspapers, pamphlets.
    And the library would archive them.
    Starting with pamphlets sound like a good idea. Be sure to keep a copy of everything in a safe place. I still believe there will be some sort of LLO archive in game some day :)


    Jakres likes this.
  16. You mean the argument that goes along the lines of...
    Townies: I HAZ 2 Wak mor den 3 mins to gt tree, RESET DE WILD Pl0x!!
    Wild Dwellers: Ummmm, just walk farther? We have amazing creations out there, and the time spent was huge.
    Townies: BT u bild in w1ld.
    Wild Dwellers: So? The wild is infinite, and doesnt need a reset yet.
    Townies: *whine*
    Townies: *whine*
    Townies: *whine*
    Townies: *whine*
    Townies: *whine*
    Townies: *whine*
    Townies: *whine*
    Townies: *whine*
    Townies: *whine*
    Townies: *whine*
  17. Let's not start that there again but I can understand (some) of the argument from the town people too.
    And there are some whiny wild people too (most of them just have big mines and are legitimately worried about their business).
    The wild communities that actually live there are a minority in those stupid debates. It is usually between people in town wanted cheap materials and people in the wild trying to secure their industry / business.

    In past discussions like this I found most LLO members think along the lines of:
    If there is a technical reason for wild reset, that's OK. We know the rules. If it is just to "make the spawn nicer" or "make it easier to find $new_ore" we are against it.
  18. Yes2.gif
  19. Haha i dont mean to start anything:p My view of the regular townies, the ones who dont realize people actually live in the wild, was scarred forever by one person. Basically he said "i want a reset so i can find trees to cut" then everyone went "You can grow them on your res." He was like "But i want real trees" -_-