smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Emerald ore seems really pointless unless you love trading with villagers
  2. Zulu will probably be thrilled to hear about a water park. He's working on a water slide at the top of the beach house. Someone and I tried it out without water and then Brit and I tried to use water.....ended up in me going over the edge and dieing xD
  3. I was thinking of building the water park in the area within the black lines.

    Attached Files:

  4. Alright perfect i was going to build where the torches were so it works out perfect in the end lol

  5. Lord Mushroom - Jarl Rune - Apprentice Dwight - Lady Panda & Virstis - King Zulu - Count Skywarp - Khan Curundu ( People that i have 95% trust - Crazy Nord 100% curundu knows this :D )

    No offence meant to anyone - these were the people who were already there when i came :D
  6. 1. When I asked whom to ask about an expansion project I was told to post on the forums.
    2. If you are going to ostracize folks for trying to ask questions then do it across the board. There have been numerous posts that are far more damaging but fail to trigger your ire.
  7. I think we should hold off building until, the update.
  8. I was there :/
  9. Well, because water is Minecraft is a load of crap, I screwed up a lot of it outside of the beach area trying to make bumper boats. If you want to try to fix it, good luck, it wont happen...
  10. It
    It's very annoying and takes a lot of work but it will happen.

    Basically you need to make every bad water area only one block deep which means putting an opaque block, eg dirt, below the water level. Fill any water blocks that need it from a water bucket and then once the water has settled delete the opaque block and the water will stay calm.

    It's worth doing it otherwise you otehr hard work will be diminished.
  11. Well i saw only them that time, Ruler Oid
  12. Yeah it's really annoying when there's water currents out in the middle of an ocean from someone scooping up some water or placing some blocks there. I always try to scoop up water in a 1-block deep area. That way, the water is regenerated and there are no annoying currents :D
  13. We are NOT ostracizing you. And we are not criticizing you for asking questions, we are saying that some things are meant to keep the griefers away, like a 500 block walk to spawn. As for the specific post you quoted, that was about keeping things like grinders secret. If you had a double skele grinder for you and a select few, would you want one of those select few to go posting on the forums saying "HEY EVERYONE K123NINO HAS A REALLY NICE GRINDER AT HIS HOUSE COME CHECK IT OUT"
    Next thing you know, the whole server is there, and after that, it gets griefed because of so much attention.
  14. Well the P.o.I stays i thinks... i have always been that kinda person in minecraft that stays in a one place for a while and leaves it to others - like currently im doing P.oI-2 to East side :)
  15. I Want To Bring THis To Everyone At Smp7 Jungle Outpost... i Am Getting Blamed FOr The TNT Bombing Again, I DID NOT DO IT... Stop Blaming Me FOr IT................. IM Getting Tired OF Haring It For Everyne From there............ I DID NOT BLOW THE VAULT UP
  16. I have contacted IceCreamCow and currently there is no reset planned. These are his very words: "We will give plenty of warning, should we have to do a reset."
  17. Who is blaming you? This is the first time I've heard you being blamed since being back. If you read this and thought that's what I was doing here:
    That is not what I was doing.
    But this:
    Was me explaining why all the "Ugly leaves" were back in the jungle and your fire pit was extinguished. It's not very fun listening to ocelots catch fire :/
  18. Ok so I don't know how many times it has been said, how many times it has been posted but: STOP CUTTING DOWN THE JUNGLE!
    Instead of the lovely view of jungle trees I had, I now have this:

    We DON'T have the saplings to replant, it's gotten to the point we have a ton of Oak and Birch in there now because people refuse to listen to our requests to NOT cut it down and to NOT clear it out.

    Do I need to translate it into other languages? *used Google translator*

    Dejen de talar la selva!
    Arrêter de couper BAS LA JUNGLE!
    СТОП вырубки джунглей!
    Stoppen Sie den Dschungel!
    STOPP kutte ned jungelen!
    PL0x st0p cuttin dwn teh jungle!111!!!1!111

  19. Its all Bobalek, he is the one blaming me for it