smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Inu you always blame it on another person just stop being rude and blaming everyone
  2. 1. If you do something wrong then everyone is going to automatically assume you did everything :/
    2. Don't toss potions at people. They don't work in TOWN but do in the WILD.
    3. Don't freak out when someone says something happened. "Man someone did this." "WASN'T ME OMG WASN'T ME I SWEAR I DON'T HAVE ______ TO DO THAT WITH!" looks guilty.
    4. Follow directions: Don't set fire to the jungle, Don't chop down trees. Don't grief.
    5. DON'T blame other people when we don't know who did what.

    Lets all sing Kumbaya and drink Bug Juice and be happy and follow rules.
  3. I Can bring some sapplings from somewhere, since we are on a School Trip ( With Jarl Rune & Khan Curundu )
  4. This has nothing to do with anything, but if you dont mind me asking, what texture pack are you using?
  5. :( Can't get on tonight, doing my thing tonight lol, and Panda where you live did all the jungle tree gone now and if so i got about 10 jungle saplings at my res on smp5 i give them to you tomorrow when i get on.
  6. This place is amazing I might make a place like this on smp1. (;
  7. I live behind the guest house by Curundu and Secret. Not every tree is gone, just huge patches. :(
  8. Sent you the instructions :)
  9. I'll prolly try to head into town sometime tomorrow and I got money to burn, so I'll pick up some stacks of jungle saplings. No worries. :)
  10. Hmmm alright I check my jungle chest at shop see if I have extra
  11. WOW this looks familiar..............what planet have i seen this happen me crazy.....but this looks like earth -_-
  12. Update:
    Today we welcomes QUICKALERT, redwing2000, and zoebearfun105 to the jungle. I improved my house in the jungle,, added a few pathways to make life easier, and made a member board directly in front of the guest house.
    One more thing: If you have a grinder, and you are AFKing, please try to kill often, rather than letting 200 build up. It's not fun for any of us when the whole server starts to lag down.
  13. Redwing2000 :p

    I also built a failtastic slime :3
  14. It looked like a derp.
  15. I may ask AlexChance to do an auto kill maybe every 5 minuets.
  16. I'll go into another jungle and try and gather saplings. Maybe the person who destroyed the trees could do the same.
  17. Would be nice. I dunno who is doing it but I don't get what is so hard about "Please do not cut down the trees."

    It must be Herobrine. I'm sure he's the one who blew up stuff too :eek:
  18. Probably the same difficulty people have with entering a house through a door rather than destroying blocks in the roof or floor.
  19. Rune, you never came back m8 :(
    but its cool since we are men we understand :D