smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Thanks :)

    I came back this morning and died in your clever "Way Up" drowning trap. PvP!!!!!! ;)
  2. He has left a sign by the tree farm.
  3. But... :( it was unfinished and... the water was decoration :8
  4. Ok either someone is really clumsy and doesn't repair their own damage, or there is a griefer in our midst. This is the third day that I fell through the floor in the base room to the fire. The fact that the holes are not near something clickable leads to me to believe this is foul play.
  5. Yes it was griefed.
  6. Also a heads up it looks like a miner chanced upon our rail. We're missing about half of it. I have the mats to rebuild it but I'm not sure it's the best idea considering the honey comb.
  7. Trf96 still uses FizzyDaddle's place I think.
  8. Oh, that was me, I was chasing him and managed to imprison him. It seems that he has a terrible fear of leaves, which might have been the reason why he was cutting down all those trees.
  9. So as for cleaning up houses, there was one building that pretty much all that was left was floating floor, windows part of a wall and roof. It's been there since I've been out here and I have never seen anyone do anything with it. It looked like it had been creepered to death. I went ahead and removed it yesterday. :/ Mybad.

    I could rebuild a house in it's place?
  10. Yeah, I've seen a lot of those lately.
    When I get the time I plan on taking them down and rebuilding.
  11. I will be going on a rampage fixing up the outpost this weekend. I will be repairing the desert and removing unused houses and pointless pathways etc. If you see a sign stating that you have a week or so to contact me before I demolish your house it means that your house is either really terrible, griefed or not lived in.
  12. I feel like i'm loosing my time making that huge HQ on town, i will seriously go wild when i finish with that.
    Thanks for showing me the right path Outpost guys!
  13. What What We have Repo Men now lol, I help out fixing the huge mess in middle of town it looks like fallout happen there lol.
  14. I rebuilt a house in the place I tore one down and fixed up around it. I kept falling in holes.
  15. I just looked at this place on the live map my initial reaction was HOLY S***.
  16. lol Well thank you very much we all work very hard out there
  17. I can tell and I was wondering about joining "The last light outpost"
  18. why not Join In, Most of us have a blast out there
  19. Ok I will I wont be able to go out there till towwrow.