smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. lol thats means most of us out there regularly are staff already, doing most of those things already, prefer no title just like helping people no matter what
  2. Yeah. I repair creeper damage and I build roads and paths.
    Speaking of which, I built a new station today (along with a rail line) leading to the beach house as well as the desert suburb area.
  3. That is a good thing!
  4. Great so sounds like we don't need the vote.

    To get to the farms: go to a station on the rail system, put your cart on the rail and click the button that indicates the direction of the farm. Or look on the live map for the area with the water rectangles with rounded corners surrounded by coloured wool blocks.
  5. I have been looking around in the desert and it is beginning to look terrible. So next weekend or whenever i get on next I will be getting rid of any unused/majorly damaged buildings and I will be repairing the desert by putting sand back etc. This will free up room and make the place look nicer.
  6. Yeah you can't miss it. There's so much colored wool. It looks like a rainbow threw up.
  7. What OMG Double rainbow
  8. I agree COMPLETELY this would be very good
    I can not tell you how many times i have seen something like this happen on other servers (Not EMC) and it ended up with 6-8 players in it and filled with griefed buildings and random stuff. a group of people put in charge of doing these kinds of things (cleaning up and reparing/tearing down abandoned buildings) or even turning these buildings into a "historical district" for our town organizing stuff like that to make the Rapidly growing outpost more plesant than it already is. This group could educate the Outposts residents on how far torches should be placed and what light levels creepers spawn in , in order to help prevent creepers and most other mobs from invading the outpost. This team would be more like Respected and well known members of the community than admins or mods (nothing against mods we all love the mods and how great you all are at your jobs :) ) This group would be a "wild staff' so to speak
    (edit) And i would love to be apart of this wild staff :D
  9. Yeah I feel almost like we're all "staff" cause we all do our best to keep order in the outpost. No one person really does more than another. And what one person sees as important another might not. Take Chewey, if I recall he's our youngest member and may just enjoy messing around with dirt (Spenser told me his agexD) And yet you have others who have other things they think are important. :/

    Given how crowded it is around the guesthouse I'm all for leaving that how it is and working on places in the desert. We're focusing on one spot and it's getting cluttered. We keep expanding out and we should probably work on what is in town before going too far out.

    With the jungle I think we don't need to be clearing it out. A few of us continually say this and it is continually ignored. Secret and I took down some tree tops today and I had to put out an uncovered fire pit because stuff was burning. I also had to go back and replace the "forest floor" with all the leaves I could find.

    Around the animals there used to be two huge lakes surrounded by cane. This was a bit of an issue because mobs would get in there and you couldn't see them. Many times I got stuck in them and found my self coming out the other side just to hug a cactus. I took them down and had to light the area up just to keep mobs out after I killed a creeper Rune and I saw.
  10. I agree. These things are already being done by the people at the outpost but it's just no one has a title. Except the zulu god and King Curundu ;)
  11. Don't forget Runewulf Almighty Sheep Slayer :)
  12. I'm going expand into the swamp to Hide:rolleyes: inside joke lol, but yea beyond to beach house and by the thing that going to build out there
  13. Dwight Animal Love-Doctor. xDD

    Oh if you see a crude little house with two villagers brit and I did that for "Pablo and Steve" to live in xD tear it down or whatevs.
  14. Na i leave it need neighbors , Haha nice name
  15. I was planning to build a waterpark thing there.
  16. yea the project, build in same area but not close enough to get in the way of each other

  17. Ok. I am going to build closer to the Beach House. What are you planning to build. I had this random thought that we could build an estate for people to build houses on plots of land. Are you interested?
  18. Hit the Nail on the head on this idea, lol, yea sure start on it some time this week

  19. I won't be on until Friday afternoon(Aussie time). Feel free to put some torches around and start clearing land. Maybe even make some roads. I can put this on the website when it is done.
  20. oo alright i prolly be working on half half , there and a another project with two other members, but how big is your waterpark going to be and i was thinking making few mid. house with mansion of the sort you know like a town lol