smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Birds are ocelot-food right?
  2. Huh? P.o.I is LuxMushroom's creation. :)

    Does anyone know when 1.3 is going to be released?

    Mushroom noooooooo. What about P.o.I? :(:(
  3. Hey Zulu, I was wondering if I could make a bumper boats game at the beach? :)

    Also, I added two small townhouses to Little Toronto.
  4. Ahem....I think you might be missing a few there (Virstis)
  5. Oh. Sorry. So many people doing so many good deeds. I had a thought that we could move to town to P.o.I. We would build all the roads then move everyone over there. There is a jungle etc. over there. And also I have created some trial street signs. They are on the road the Public Bathhouse is on. I have named the road Bathtub road. Feel free to come look.
  6. I have something like this too. The fall is only like 14 high, but it is close to bedrock. Got my own nice underground cobble gen, but it's kinda hidden. If people ask for the location, i might show it to them.
  7. Ooo yea I agree a lot of people are doin good deeds and last night was prolly funniest time yet at LLO
  8. Yeah, ours is huge. If you happen to stumble across it, (it's like 128 long and 24 wide) just remember that it is a COMMUNITY project and leave it alone for now :)
  9. Has anyone found a spawner near the outpost. I have contacted AlexChance and when we have one he will come in and build a community xp/mob grinder. Also does FizzyDaddle still live in his/her house? It has been majorly briefed and I was wondering if I could move into it if it is un used. And on another note I am mapping the community so if people can put a sign on the front of your house/shop/whatever that states you own it that would be great!
  10. I know one of the oids has a double grinder under their house, you'll have to ask them though. There are also grinders owned by other players within the outpost, however, I know they would like to keep their's private, so if they really want to tell you, I'm sure they'll PM you. Otherwise, I haven't seen any spawners around.
  11. I remember someone mentioned a spawner near their house. I might be a bit more lucky in the jungle so I may have to remove some trees. When I or someone else finds one I am going to need donations from people to pay AlexChance to build the grinder. I can build surrounding facilities myself though. It will include and enchanting room and a weapons shop or something like that.
  12. You should try and contact Fizzy. I havent seen him for awhile but still worth checking if he wants to return.
  13. Yes I will do that!
  14. nice nice i idea, just keep to pm about the details of grinder or in game to tell us. Don't want Unwanted Attention ;). Anyways Replant the Jungle if knock down any trees lol
  15. If we do find a spawner in the jungle I think that will justify cutting down some trees. But otherwise, the jungle should be left alone.

    I did find a zombie spawner on my way to the outpost a while back, but it's pretty far away from the Outpost. I can send the coords if you want them.
  16. Guys, Skywarp has a grinder on his island...
  17. I will only cut down the trees necessary. I am thinking of actually making most of it underground. As for the zombie spawner I don't think I need it. It is not a big thing and it is probably too close to spawn. But thanks anyway.
  18. I would have mentioned that, but I figured he wanted it kept secret...
  19. Once again...why is stuff that should be discussed secretly being put publicly? "Creeper subway" "Zomg Grinder!" Way to go guys...
    Well, there's already pics of it :/