smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Well, me and a few others use Skywarps, and he doesn't seem to care about any of it.
  2. Ther
    e are also Emeralds/Emerald Ore , pyramids and new village types
  3. No the villager trading is NOT going to be pointless...
    Villager trading virtually ends non-renewable resources, you can also trade things other than emeralds with villagers!!!!! and if the villager has stuff you dont need....simply egg it and respawn it :), and because this update also gives spawned villagers a random profession we can get a WIDE range of items.
  4. Just remember guys this is just a vote and will only go through if the community wants it,
  5. I think he cares when people announce it on the forum.
  6. Sure. Maybe not in the main fenced pool but nearby. There is a small island. Maybe you can put the station there and make the boat area around it. I think that could work out nicely.
  7. You should turn the swamp area there into a water park with the beach house as an entry point. I could help with that.
  8. Sounds like a great idea. A water park is on my future idea list anyway. It could even start at the older smaller bath. This one is already connected by a river with the bigger new beach house. We could turn this and the swampy area into some kind of vacation resort. With water attracktions, hotels or small vacation houses etc.
  9. Sounds Awesome! I will get to work ASAP!
  10. Yea the farms are progressing, It's looking more like a plantation than a farm now
  11. Underwater houses work the best not to get griefed so I am gonna build a coast of Underwater houses.
  12. Thanks for the tip, we have are ways to not to get greifed lol
  13. Where are these greatly talked about farms?
  14. Lol alright from your building take a right going toward the jungle/Snow biome you should see them very easy to find , I been working on them most of the day, making more animals for the community
  15. if their is a wild reset all members should stand in last light outpost amd hope that were not spawned in the ocean.
  16. Amen.
    I would like it if we could write an opinion about having staff. My personal opinion is somewhat grey. Yes, we need people to keep it organized and to run the 'official' stuff. But the whole idea of the outpost is just a place where everyone can huild, without rules being imposed on them apart from EMC rules and simple guidelines (like not leaving floating tree heads).
    There needs to be a little clarification on what you mean by staff.
  17. What I mean by staff is people who manage the major public things like roads, tours and cleaning up. They would also help with programs like the anti-creeper program and they would build and run public amenities etc. They would not be mean and enforce or create exact rules but they would help convince people to follow guidelines. It is so we don't have random paths and treble buildings and we don't have griefed buildings or any buildings just sitting there.