smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. But there are pyramids to come and new NPC villages and a new ore.
  2. Looking to expand what I call "The Creeper Subway", yes I'm that lazy to walk for 5 minutes when I run to town, and I don't want to step on toes so can anyone give clearance for this project?
  3. I dont want a wild reset. Some of you have made some very AWESOME creations.
  4. As long as the project does not mess up other projects or endanger the community you have clearance. The notification is appreciated and maybe wait a few days before starting to actually build it. Should anyone have some reasons why this is a bad idea they can answer and you can work it out. :)
  5. Yes, we need to put another track in it. I almost it Master_Chewy on it.

    Trading with the villagers will be pointless, as almost all the villages are looted. The emerald is pretty much useless, and what pyramids?
  6. There will be pyramids premade in desert biomes. They have traps and chests in them. Nice but I also think not enough to reset all the wilderness maps.
  7. Cocoa beans plus trading with villagers and Emeralds from what I hear? I dunno I just don't want a reset >.<
  8. I just arrived! So much fun in the future
  9. I have been thinking and it is only really a new biome with something cool that would make you want to reset the wilderness. But it would be cool to have a pyramid as a town hall. But we still should plan ahead with the Master Plan as there will obviously be a reset sometime in the future.
  10. So I dunno who it is but 1. They keep cutting down trees at the jungle path and leaving tops. 2. Someone took all the mooshrooms. 3. Cows are gone too. 4. Chickens everywhere.

    I know it's just a mooshroom but dangit Brit and I loved Scooty-Puff Jr. We felt bad he was stuck down on the ground :(
  11. If you're too lazy to run to town for five minutes, then so are most griefers.
    You make it easier for you, you make it easier for them. :)
  12. Oh, and on a side note, if you dig down and fall into a giant corridor, I apologize in advance for the inconvenience. The fall damage thing will hopefully be fixed soon.
  13. LOL So Much Smooth Stone.....COAL!!!!!!.... lol
    O and i put your important stuff and my chest so no one could take it , ask me or zulu9 to get out of my chest in my house.
  14. Well this was predicted already - There is no control over the Last Light Outpost and that precious little light is soon taken down , while new people are comin - more people come aware 'bout this community ( i bet everyone who has been longer than a 2 weeks in EMC knows this place )

    I have lost the fate 'n fun from this - i would had hoped there would been somesort of an order among all people, it sound restrictive and it is meant to sound - One Can Not Simply Control Without Rules

    Currently I would be standing next to the Wild Reset - And hoping there would be better organized community afterwards

    Bad Sides - Too Stuffed In " Outpost " - Attention to Griefers 75% - Railway around the outpost ( can be good & bad thing ) - Everyone is Accepted - No Supervision or Control

    Good Sides - Railway around the outpost - Biomes near - Friends ( Curundu, Skywarp and Zulu )
  15. I don't agree. The original plan, as far as I know from this thread and talking to zulu, was to have a rule free place run by no one. It seems to be working. Even though everyone knows about the outpost, as you point out, there has still only been minor griefing. There are rules but they are the EMC rules - things like not destroying or removing things people have built. Or building things in other people's houses.

    No need to wait for the reset, there's always the option to move somewhere else and create a community with rules and bosses/rulers/caste members.
  16. Though we could definitely benefit from removing some unused buildings to make some room. With the owner's permission.
  17. I agree on some points. Yes it's a bit crowded in some spots because there is so much built together. Yes there is craziness with the cart track. We do have rules set in place and as it stands everyone follows them. Since I've been a member we've only had one brief period where things went nuts but it's all died down now. I like the freedom of the outpost. I don't like being stuck in town listening to "Give me rupees plox" "Please buy from me I'm poor." I like it in the outpost. I've made friends here. My sister who hardly ever got on The Empire now gets on pretty regularly and sometimes without me since she has been in the Outpost. All I made in town it felt like was little stalkers who wouldn't leave me alone. So what if everyone knows about us? We keep picking up new members and making new friends. If we get griefed we rebuild and help one another out.
  18. Well we have to reset for the New ore
  19. Why would we even want that ore?
  20. For Birds ofcourse - you are so silly jaari - everyone want that ore because of the birds ( one of the best gibberish made by me :D )