smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Jakres, mba2012, Philovanrood and 3 others like this.
  2. Yay
    Jakres likes this.
  3. Yeah unfortunately it was closed before I got to post.
    Lol I totally would've gotta a laugh outta the post and his reaction. xD
    Jakres likes this.
  4. Sad to see a good former LLO member post conspiracy theories like that. Of course EMC is a business like most good minecraft servers. The people running it put time and moeny in it and I have no problem if they make a profit (I actually hope they do).

    He mentioned us briefly in his rant and since the OP is closed I like to respond to that here.

    Right. We never left hope. To the contrary. I set this up as an experiment and expected it would get griefed to death within days. Obviously that is not what happened :D And the help of the EMC staff has been a crucial part to it.
    Yes, we had griefings and it took lots of work and resources to recover sometimes. We stick together and help out each other and report as properly as we can (screenshots, no public blaming etc).
    There sure are moments of frustration when you repair some station the 3rd time and already put like 5K in it. But I think the fact that we still are there and growing proves that the number of nice people is bigger than the griefers.
    Jakres, Runewulf, Luke4214 and 5 others like this.

  5. I found this the other day... is that supposed to be there?
    Jakres likes this.
  6. For now, I believe. We are working out something with false accusations of griefing.
    Jakres likes this.
  7. I think it was put there after there was another sign accusing a member of griefing that has not even been on for a while.
    It is NOT to read as "Do not report griefing" ;)
    Just don't do it in public but instead PM a mod.
    Jakres and penfoldex like this.
  8. The Minigolf course (3 holes) is now open for Beta testing.
    I will be online for like another our from now. If you have time please stop by.
    If you can bring some leaves (any kind) or other stuff to decorate some more that would be nice too.
    Jakres, shavingfoam and Dwight5273 like this.
  9. :( Someone killed some of my sheep
    Jakres likes this.
  10. Oops. If someone could put a / in front of that report I would be very grateful :)
    Jakres likes this.
  11. I replaced a mooshroom in little toronto and a snow golem gone there too. Seems we got another animal / mob hater?
    Jakres and creepincreepers7 like this.
  12. Exactly! The buyer actually has a bit more of the advantage, as a disreputable shop will soon lose all business and close, as it should. Deal fairly, and people will come to you. ;D
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  13. dangit. miss one day of EMC and you never get notified about any new posts here....
    Jakres and Dwight5273 like this.
  14. Made the golf courses for difficult. Now in Beta 1.2.
    Any suggestions welcome.
    Also I thought with the various sports coming up we might have the LLOlympics soon. Maybe at the time the real ones take place.
  15. Oh no... I reported the "greifer"...
    Edit: If we do LLOlimpics we should organise a diving and running competition :)
  16. I'm done with threads like this. Thickheads and trolls and whatnot.
    It's amazing what some people come up with to get their way.

    for a start, were an OUTPOST, not a colony. Get it right!
    and secondly, we're still surviving because we don't let the greifers win. We keep rebuilding and the greifers get bored, and they leave
  17. I just want to say that I may or may not be able to look at the site in the next few weeks. Luke4214 and I just got into a big competition which we won two years back. Also an LLOlympics would be really awesome! You could have some swimming, diving, a triathlon, mini golf etc. Also we should have a marathon and triathlon every now and then. That would be really cool!
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  18. Or they get banned :D
    Jakres likes this.
  19. did you say you caught the thief and reported?
    Jakres likes this.
  20. No. There was a sign saying: Report _________. He's a greifer. So I reported him. I don't know if he is banned ATM.
    Jakres likes this.