smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Actually they kind of do, I get them for just logging on.

    If you want more than 100r/day then you can become a supporter. Otherwise you're just asking other players to net less than 100r/day because any money they pay you is coming from the same 100r/day they are getting. Since any player that visits your "shop" is in the wild also those other players are probably going to want to use that for locking their own chests too. No matter how you trade it around it still isn't going to be more than 100r/day per player unless they are supporters.

    Rupees aside we have plenty of players that are willing to help with building, crafting, providing materials, tools, etc so there isn't really a strong need for a trading system. Just look at how much stone brick people donated to rob for his giant platform in the west. :D
    Jakres, zulu9, Luke4214 and 1 other person like this.
  2. Hmmm where is your house located at, might be a main rail near you without you knowing of it
    Jakres likes this.
  3. Ill show you next time I'm on.
    Jakres likes this.
  4. Are you playing. I need someone to play with. (and Skype)
    Jakres likes this.
  5. fiine :)
    Jakres likes this.
  6. Well zulu when I get the large post about the NLL your welcome to use the same system if you like
    Jakres likes this.
  7. Well, my library is more like a public one. There is a hut outside for on librarian and a room upstairs for readers that want to stay longer. If each case really can store 5 books it is huge :D
    Did you get the sugar cane?
    Jakres likes this.
  8. Yes thanks alot
    Jakres likes this.
  9. If we need/want to still do that "reading club" it could share the Storm Shelter room when its finished. :D
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  10. Jeeze I go to sleep and come back to three+ pages.

    Not too keen on the shops/rupees thing. I kinda feel like that should be left in town. It's already ruined towns a bit, why let it ruin the wild?

    Also from some of the posts I've seen in this thread I've read them as people getting an attitude. I think we should all be nice to each other and get along.

    Before accusing people of griefing something, GET PROOF. Mr_Petter was offline for 2+ weeks when he was accused.
  11. Same things I've been saying...
    First Part: You guys all know my stance on the situation.

    Second Part: Yeah it was 16 days according to /pinfo, the LLOPD has already posted messages saying this and to leave the signs so we can see who wrote them...
    Anyone wanna fess up?
    Jakres, CambriaKilgannon and zulu9 like this.
  12. ^yep what panda just said, The General Store up north isn't actually a shop it's a place where you can put your unwanted or surplus items and see if anyone else need it. Its like the Give and Take chest in front of my house. :D
  13. Jakres likes this.
  14. I agree with philo on this. Commerce is just another activity that people do and I can't see why it shouldn't happen out here. While I've given a lot of things away to people there are some things that are just too valuable to donate. Being able to sell them to others would mean I could get rid of them and those who need them could buy them. Also there are things I'd rather buy than spend my time collecting.

    I don't think we'd have the same situation as town as the restrictions of the wild prevent the worst things like all those spamming announcements in town chat. We could ban advertising but even if someone did advertise they are only able to use local chat. Also the transaction can only take place when the two people are online so its very limited.

    We could have a vote on it but I don't see how people can actually be prevented from putting a sign above a chest that says "diamonds 10 rupees each PM Runewulf".

    That's just my 2 rupees worth.
    Jakres, zulu9 and Philovanrood like this.
  15. Have you reported the sign to a mod? They have records on signs.
    Jakres likes this.
  16. Yeah I'll talk to one as soon as I get another picture...something weird happened to the first.:confused:
    Jakres likes this.
  17. Herobrine xD

    Well I guess shops wouldn't be that bad. I just prefer being out in the wild and free. If I really wanted to deal with a shop I'd go to town.

    I think another thing that made me say No was Legit's sassypants posts. Or at least that's how I read them.
    Jakres and creepincreepers7 like this.
  18. Yeah they came off that way for me too... And I agree, town is the place for shops/stores.
    Jakres and CambriaKilgannon like this.
  19. Anyone would be kindly to donate me sandstones? Can be any sandstone. (and put your name to the donators board, so i can know who donated me and put names to the donators room)

    Summer Stage, also know as "Where people get drowned"
    EDIT: Oops, picked wrong pic. The pic i uploaded dosen't display yet and this has been taken on SSP. (New pic Shows more water and few redstone lamps)
  20. Legit and I talked about this. You wouldn't have to buy from the shop. Most everything (in my shops, anyway) would be either free or fairly cheap, depending on the value of the item (supply and demand, etc.) The shops would be limited to a size that would force them to be specialty shops, e.g the armory, wood shop, etc. The reason I'm in favor of the shops is so that we can better distribute goods among the whole town. For example, someone may have a skele grinder and tons of bones, but he has the only grinder in the region. Another player needs bones, but has none. Neither really know each other well, but Player A has a shop in the shop district which sells his bones. This way, unused goods can be distributed throughout the outpost to people who need them. Some items would cost money seeing as they are hard to get (slimeballs) but the prices wouldn't be terribly unfair.