smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. hi, i would like to join LLO
    I would like to join because i like living in the wild and i think it would be fun

    EDIT: I hope I can join because i found the LLO
    Jakres, Dwight5273 and zulu9 like this.
  2. It should be a default package. Or maybe like Faithful 32 which is default but HD.
    Jakres and imBobertRobert like this.
  3. Course you can join. Zulu9 will send you the links.
    Jakres likes this.
  4. You mostly likely can join.
    If so zulu9 will send you some info.

    EDIT: Darn penfoldex beat me to it xD
    Jakres and penfoldex like this.
  5. So I don't like the word donations in EMC for obvious reasons, so I'm going to use the word investor for this idea.

    I would like to throw out the idea of "investors". Lets say you have an idea for a community building, lets say you want to build a library, you would create a page on the projects tab on the LLO site and link it here. Then investors could sign on to provide the architect with mats. I know this sort of exists to an extent already but I think this would help drive big projects along faster by having it organized.

    I suck at building but love exploring and a by product is tons of redstone/ore/ etc. So why not put them to a good cause and know I had a hand in building an awesome building.

    There would have to be stipulations about what exactly the relationship would be between architect and investor. Here are some that I can think of off the top of my head:

    Only established members can request investors. This would be to avoid Joe-shmoe from joinning the LLO asking for an investor, getting mats and then taking off never to be heard from again.

    As Architect asking for materials you would foot the bill of creating locked chests for the investors to put mats into at the building site.

    As an investor you set a realistic expectation of what mats and how much of them you can provide. This can assist the architect with a realistic projection of what planning work has to be done.

    Once the structure is complete, a plaque, sign really, would be placed somewhere in sight listing the investors. To clarify investors providing at a MINIMUM of 10% of the mats should get a credit. This is to avoid Joe-shmoe from giving you one block and demanding a credit.

    These are just a few I can think of but I want to flesh it out more before we make it official, IF you guys think this is a good idea.
  6. Um... It's okay... Donators can do this as well so why just call them something else and do the same thing.
    Not sure I get it.
    Jakres likes this.
  7. i died by rob's new station. if anyone finds my items hold them for me , PM me , and let me have them back. i had a full set of diamond tools
    Jakres likes this.
  8. Welcome! I sent you the usual mail anyways just for reference.
    Jakres likes this.
  9. Walked the whole platform but found nothing :(
    I hope work on the station continues soon so we can make a proper nether line and get rid of the death trap the construction site is at the moment.
    Jakres likes this.
  10. idk who said about the texture pack, but why not just put the maps into a format of a picture and put instructions for porting them into a texture pack? they are separate from the terrain.png, i think they are just files. they could just be switched out.
    Jakres likes this.
  11. Hi
    Jakres likes this.
  12. at Districk 8 you can see buildings there, it is also thing that i made when i was bored, but i hope someone already took it
    Jakres likes this.
  13. Welcome back. Just to inform the others he was here before (but just 1 day) and now came back. We have him on the active members list already tho ;) He is building in the west.
  14. Mushroom I'll add a label to it. What's the name for it?
    Jakres likes this.
  15. Could you add my Spleef too? It the colorful thing on the live map in the west :D
    Jakres and dylan_frenette like this.
  16. Silly you, you can even guess it, P.o.I 2
    Jakres likes this.
  17. I Forgot... the place where i could get " Bird's way to the Outpost " :<
    Jakres likes this.
  18. Sure thing. :D

    Wait I thought it was T.i.P (town in progress) :cool:
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  19. Oh. While you are at it, maybe you can add the concert hall I made in the north of district 9 (at the border to the smaller jungle) too.

    PS: Also havockstorm is the founder of the umbrella corp and it is not technically part of the LLO. I think he will be fine with it being on the map but maybe add another one of those boxes like for the Yeti Village to give credit. :)
    Jakres and creepincreepers7 like this.