SMP1 Back up (Maybe?)

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by JackBiggin, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. It's been upgraded fairly recently, and is stupidly powerful.

    The lag is obviously caused by Aikar's marriage.
  2. Yeah it divided the bandwidth in half. :( lol
    Equinox_Boss, Kells18 and RainbowChin like this.
  3. Server: "How could you get married Aikar? I thought we had something here? :("
  4. This takes too long!1!one1!1
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. We did just recently upgrade the DB..

    DB is not the cause of recent lag, 1.7 is.

    1.7 was horrible for server performance. going to have to spend extra time to figure it out.

    give me a bit o nthe downtime. I'm currently out of state with no access to my PC, and EMC's security settings are so high i pretty much am locked out unless going through my home PC (which i dont have remote access to yet due to recent OS reinstall).

    I'm jumping through 400 hoops through the ISP to get in through low level means though.. Hopefully I'll be able to figure this out, but I'll be home HOPEFULLY tomorrow if flight is not cancelled (In Portland Maine...)
  7. My suspicion is that bungeecord went down.
    Equinox_Boss and xI_LIKE_A_PIGx like this.
  8. So a "good datacenter" causes extreme lag, then crashes, and is then down for several hours ?

    I would hate to see bad data centers.

    I do appreciate staff efforts to get this resolved.
  9. Yeah I know, I felt joke worthy today. :p
    Cchiarell6914 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  10. I do not think its the datacenter now. I can access the servers remote port just fine, just I cant get in due to security settings.

    I believe bungee has crashed.

    I currently have Hatori driving to my house to help me get in.... My attempts to go in a backdoor through host failed.
    Equinox_Boss, cadgamer101 and mba2012 like this.
  11. What do you do when one video game isn't available?
    More video games!

    It's a little scary though when Aikar says security doesn't let him in. To the servers he runs. ("Sorry Mr. Page, you can't get in to Google today.")
    Cchiarell6914 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  12. all I gotta say is that if I was on my honeymoon, a gaming server (no matter how big) would be the last thing to get my attention so everyone should show some appreciation that he's even giving this thought during a moment like this
  13. Probably a good thing...

    Does he have a key, or will he have to break in through the... backdoor?
  14. Yes, This is how we are blessed by having Aikar running EMC. Be sure to take a moment and think about what he is doing for each and every one of us. This is true dedication people.

    My personal Thank You to Aikar (and Max, as i'm sure she is understanding being staff also)
    Equinox_Boss, BevK56 and cadgamer101 like this.
  15. This is page 7 and yes I did not read it all to see if my question has been asked already, but I am going to ask anyways... How does the server being down effect our voting streak? My 102 day voting streak might be over?? Or will there be a longer grace period? Just wondering. If this has already been asked and answered, sorry for being lazy...
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. Keep voting - votes seem to be going through.
  17. ITS BACK!!!!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. Yaaaaaa it's up!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. Voting was unaffected as it runs on a different port.

    Bungee crashed... But Hatori went to my house and restarted it (We tried to re-enable my remote access but something is going wrong there...)
    Haha, I gave him a security code to get in, and if someone got into the webhost control panel, that would be extremely bad regardless.... But that password is like over 20 characters long mixed with every symbol type...
  20. Big thanks to Aikar, and big thanks to Hatori for coming in clutch :D