Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Oh my, that tps is the worst I've ever seen! lol
    We3_Nub_, Tahitan and _Ulti like this.
  2. I saved your souls and turned of my machine of destruction
    We3_Nub_, _Ulti and HannahEB like this.
  3. I got the error mesage
    java.lang.NullPointerException: group
    after my computer crashed w/ BSOD.
  4. i get kicked everytime i come home from the waste....
  5. What type of error are you receiving? Haven't received any other reports regarding this. Make sure you are using the newest Minecraft version (1.8.9).
    Tuqueque and We3_10AC like this.
  6. I am.
  7. Red Alert EMC just crashed.

    ShelLuser, HxCami10 and Keliris like this.
  8. I seriously just watched everyone on SMP8 get dc'd before me..
  9. I am scared, now I might do some homework?!!?!?
    We3_Nub_ likes this.
  10. Extreme lag. Everyone on SMP5 is at one or two bars... gg Chin.
    We3_Nub_ likes this.
  11. We know of the problem and are currently getting it straighten out. Be Patience please :D
  12. chin was doing a Edit for me, but does not know how to do it, so blame him...
  13. >.>
    i had to.
    We3_Nub_ likes this.
  14. :confused:....
    We3_Nub_ likes this.
  15. and .nl are down.
  16. Serverpact works for me in the United States.
  17. I meant was down too :p I'll try again now.

    Still as down as a clown (don't take that sentence too seriously, I'm weird. :p)

  18. I don't know what the problem is in your case. The .nl site works for me, though.

  19. Works fine for me in Singapore too.