School!! UGH!!!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by wonderwoman_16, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. Why is it sad? :p
    Patr1cV likes this.
  2. You too? ;)
    Agent_Creeper23 and L3A8 like this.
  3. .. cuz. it is.
  4. School isn't that bad. Its good to see all your friends again and learn new things. Today was my 7th day of school. :)
  5. I took that for around 6 years, from I think it was 4th grade to 10th. In my school, IB restricts you from taking Japanese language. Makes so much sense, right? lol. Anyways, I dropped out because I needed to pay $250 to take some absurdly difficult test.

    One thing that I hate about school is that if you try to take a more advanced class, and you do worse than your regular classes, it'll only hurt you. No real benefit to taking an honors or AP class unless you can get high grades. Meanwhile, the kids who take straight academic classes fly by with stellar grades because they have far easier work. I dunno, maybe I just made the wrong choices. (in our school, "academic" is basically the middleground. It's a step below honors, but it's not in any way a punishment)
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  6. I know that some schools, especially the large ones, have a different scale for AP and Honors classes. I think an A is either a 4.5 or 5.0 in many schools. I know what you mean though, happened to me. Thankfully, colleges know this too. :p
    Byeforeverthe2nd and neonkillah like this.
  7. HAHAHA Morbo pities you Hugh Mahns with your "School." (Futurama reference)
  8. :)
  9. I'm on my second week of school...

  10. IB all the way! ;)
    L3A8 likes this.
  11. My school = 1600 kids. 4 minute breaks. My classes were actually as far apart as possible(about 400m of hallway). Don't worry though, everyone who is new will be a bit slow on their schedules and the teachers will understand.
    Byeforeverthe2nd likes this.
  12. My school starts on the 26th and I thought that was early, lol.
  13. Some of these people like me, finished school in may but started early(like now :p). I am guessing you ended school in June?
  14. I ended on May 15th, and start on Sept 8th.:cool:
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  15. Well... School is very boring... But I guess there is some cool stuff in it. When i finish it, I'll never go back to it XD
  16. i started 2 weeks ago, and it isn't bad, you get to be with friends and learn more
    Byeforeverthe2nd likes this.
  17. School isn't all that bad. Besides the homework, tests, quizzes, exams, all nighters, procrastinated projects, papers, and everything else, it's all right. :p

    I actually don't think that school is all that bad. You get to see friends again, get a (mostly) clean slate with teachers. (As in you had teachers you didn't like last year.)

    Looky down there. \/ Yeah. See that? That is how I feel about learning. But that is my opinion on the matter.
    Byeforeverthe2nd likes this.
  18. I doubt I will log on to EMC more than once or twice until post November. AP classes at my school are ridiculously hard, no one takes more than two, the only people who do fail miserably and drop out of one of their classes. Although I have always had stellar grades, I am only taking one AP class this year because of the fact that I will be spending eleven hours at school everyday, (including Saturdays) due to marching band. And the work is absurd, friends from other schools complain to me about four hours of work, I laugh at them. And getting up at 5:30 to catch the bus is not easy either.

    Although I can't wait to start chemistry, as well as trig. This is going to be one of my favorite years of high school =P

    School itself isn't that bad, the classes are four a day, an hour and thirty minutes each, survivable. I get to see friends every day in person instead of in a messaging application. And of course I am one step closer to college!

    As far as teachers go, I don't want to annoy everyone with a rant so I will be concise: our football coach teaches the honors trig class, and all he reportedly does is teach for fifteen minutes, hand out work, and watch sports plays. So I hope I get the other trig teacher.

    My school is enormous, it has over 2000 people in it, over four classes. (2016, 2017, 2018 which is me, and 2019). We have more than a MILE of hallways and I walk about two and a half miles a day from 7:00 to 14:00 alone. Well, that was last year.

    Anyways I guess this post is a farewell as I go off the radar for a few months. xD
    I will still visit the forums semi-regularly and occasionally in game. I plan to vote daily to keep from the derelict system.

    So yeah my two cents.
    HelloKittyRo and Agent_Creeper23 like this.
  19. Guys, I don't hate school. Infact a love it. By the titles meaning, I mean it's starting a week from Monday.

    I'm not upset about it, I'm happy! I can't wait to learn and see my friends!

    But, I'm in the hardest classes like my brother, mcbear10, because of how high my grades are. (I'm talking Honors Hard).

    So, that's why I'm nervous! This is gonna be really hard, and tons of work! I know I can handle it, though! Wish me luck because, for me, school starts a week from Monday! :) <3
    kyukyu99 likes this.
  20. Lets talk about IB. So I come from a pretty small town of 90,000. My school has IB and about 19 of the kids at my school actually got the full diploma thingy. I, on the other hand, went full AP. All of the kids in IB seemed to think that by doing IB they would immediately be let into the best schools. However when they heard back only 2 of the 19 kids got into Cal Berkly (arguably the best public school in California) and 2 of the full AP kids also got in. One of my best friends did full IB and he said looking back he wished he would have done full AP because of the freedom that it gives you with your schedule. What I'm trying to say is, don't see IB as some kind of magical program that gets you into college, instead try to diversify yourself explore all your options.