Safe Websites

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Astromath1959, Nov 14, 2021.

  1. I've been thinking about what are safe websites for EMC. I have come up with the following:

    Any page from EMC itself.
    Any of the voting websites.
    Any official Minecraft Youtube channels.
    Minecraft Wiki
    Wikipedia (Not to be confused with the above Minecraft Wiki link)
    Facebook (Empire Minecraft site only)
    Discord (Empire Minecraft)

    Can anyone (especially staff) add to this list?
  2. I would definitely not consider Facebook safe. It's an absolute hell-site, from a privacy perspective, from an information perspective and from a child-friendly perspective. It's better to avoid it and I honestly don't know why staff continues to use it.
    I would consider YouTube a bit safer. It's google, which is mildly better, and it's generally better at being child-appropriate, but I would definitely not call it "safe" I honestly doubt any large platform on the internet is.

    If you want more EMC content, I would suggest the Discord server, which can arguably be called a website, in a way.
    There also used to be a mumble, but I doubt that has any activity.
  3. /me remembers the story about the supercreepy ai-generated videos on youtube kids
  4. i'm thinking should add twitter and reddit, it's more safe than facebook
    or if you wanna safest, then telegram is for you (very safe)
    Facebook is like immerses collect data (instagram also same) and personality don't feel safe when use Facebook or Instagram (they abuse my data for ads)
    Youtube? quite safe, but still tons of inapporiate contents, or trash content (even use youtube kids)
  5. What do you mean? Safe as in child-appropriate? Safe as in you're not going to get in trouble for using them? Safe as in they won't keep people from EMC? Safe as in they deal well with your data? Safe as in you're unlikely to get viruses from them? ...
  6. I completely forgot about Discord.

    Added to list.
  7. Good questions. My first thought of "safe" is no malicious downloads/cookies/viruses/etc. Second would be child-appropriate.
    607 likes this.
  8. Then indeed, anything from the WikiMedia Foundation should be quite safe in the first regard. Certainly not in the second, though.
  9. You are correct in that Facebook can certainly be suspect when it comes to content. However, I'm strictly speaking of the Minecraft Facebook account. Even then, make sure that any links the posters give are safe (even if you know the poster personally).
    607 likes this.
  10. Yeah, I've had strange posts appear from friends that they didn't post themselves.