
Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Releias, Oct 6, 2017.

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  1. oki
    is there a way to auto-respawn just in case you're afk?
    or head mining?
    belac555 likes this.
  2. Its a grey area, I'll let staff answer this one.
  3. I wouldn't go there.

    See: if you're afk then you should be afk. And afk in that context means that when the server fills up with active players it will also recognize you as being afk and therefor might kick you to free up more space for active players.

    Auto-respawning while being afk effectively means you're trying to bypass the afk detection system and that's not allowed.

    So even if there is a mod which could do this I wouldn't go here, because it only has potential for getting you into trouble.
    NuclearBobomb and 607 like this.
  4. if I'm afk in the wild or waste and something spawns and kills me I'd REALLY like to be respawned so I can know what happened
    and if I'm head mining I don't wanna have to sit there for hours just watching for the respawn thing to come up
  5. I'm trying to follow what you're saying.
    If you have never died on EMC yet then I'll tell you that as soon as you die there will be a button to click on to respawn.
    Now you'll only repawn where you died if you set a bed location.
    Now if you were talking about knowing the way you died while be afk. Then once you've respawned do command /dlog this is the death log for you to see when and where you died and how you died on each smp.
    607 likes this.
  6. You'd still be circumventing the afk system which is against the rules. See: if the server is filling up and reaches the maximum amount of players then I'm also quite sure that active players wouldn't appreciate it if they can't log on to play because an inactive player is keeping up some space. That's plain out unfair towards those players, as such the afk detection system got into play.

    I also don't quite follow your first comment: I mean... if you'd auto respawn then you would never know what happened because after respawning the death message and other stuff would eventually get lost in chat. If you want to know what happened then the best way is not to auto respawn but to manually click 'respawn' after which you can scroll back and see what happened.

    Still, bottom line, afk prevention isn't allowed. No official reasons are given (as far as I know) but the above is my interpretation of the whole thing.
    NuclearBobomb and 607 like this.
  7. While there may not be an official quote in the wiki there are several quotes by Kyrss and aikar about it.

    therevare several people who could tell you how to get around it, it's not following emc rules and could result in displinary action up to and including banning.
    607 likes this.
  8. He's talking about if there is a way to auto-respawn so he can afk head farm.
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  9. The way EMC has it now is to where you can use the auto respawn thing to head farm, however you have to be next to your monitor and can't leave.

    How will they know?
    A staff could PM you and if you do not respond you could get kicked or banned depending on how mice the mod is (some mods are really nice about it, while some may ban you for like a week *cough* *cough*)
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  10. Some don't PM at all.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  11. Most staff don't realize, but it's really not worth the risk.

    EDIT: Someone could report someone if they think they are afking and a staff would technically be forced to check it out
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  12. Sometimes double standards are uphold, sorry to say but it's a fact. One of the reasons I don't bother myself with the rules too much these days but more so with common sense and fairness.

    As mentioned above: is it really fair to occupy a slot while doing nothing (automated stuff) while other players are actually waiting for an option to play?

    Sure: the thresholds are very wide these days but even so, it doesn't change the underlying aspect. You're doing nothing while still gobbling up server resources while others are active and could be negatively affected by your afk'ness.
    607 likes this.
  13. The Macro mod will allow you to do this if you know how to code it.
    However it is explicitly stated in the wiki that you cannot use it to circumvent afk.

    If you're afk in a dangerous spot just pillar up or surround yourself with dirt. No need to let yourself get killed so easily.

    For head mining, yes they use macros. The most prolific head grinders follow the macro regulations. It is also likely they will not share the code they use.
    FadedMartian, 607 and RainbowChin like this.
  14. I've died quite a few times now
    mainly while mining heads
    other times after being blow up or attacked by creepers, ect
    all I wanna know is if theres a auto-respawn option that I could turn on when I wanna mine heads for +DECO
  15. I kinda doubt that it'd reach 1000 players all at 1 time .-.
    and how does any of this apply to auto-respawning while I'm trying to mine heads?
    I LITERALLY can't even go afk for even 3 minutes while doing it because I gotta constantly check to see if I died /:
    its annoying as heck
    its not unfair even in the slightest to ask if theres a easier way to mine heads by having a option to auto-respawn so I can continue on doing what I do during my day? :confused:
    and in all honesty auto-respawning has little to nothing to do with being afk .-.
  16. Nothing in the vanilla client, unfortunately.
    You will need to make use of the macro mod as people have mentioned in this post.
  17. I just want to move on with my day and not have to worry about having to constantly click respawn?
    still not sure what auto-respawning has to do with being afk?
    while people are mining their heads there should be a auto-respawn option

  18. Auto respawning has all to do with being afk. If you were not afk you wouldn't need to auto res pawn you could click the re pawn button.
    607 likes this.
  19. thank you
  20. but then thats not a auto-respawn if you have to constantly be by your laptop???
    I'm not always on the website so how would I know if they were pming me???
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