Re-Intro | AMA - Back around

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ignoramoose, May 10, 2018.

  1. He probably didn't want you to know so that when people AMA questions about you he can answer them without you knowing... jkjk

    Which brings up my question for you Moose: At any point have you ever thought "Oh no, not another Tardis" ?

    And welcome back, looking forward to seeing your projects once you finish them :p
  2. They prob had a prenup that said "If moose ever says anything negative about a tardis, off with his head!"
  3. Hey moose, Welcome back :)
  4. Right next to the comment about me willingly signing up to watch Modern Marvels re-runs for the rest of my life. ;)
  5. I'm assuredly not a bird.

    I don't have her passwords - nor does she have mine. There's not a real reason for us to share passwords.

    I've been interested in coming back to Minecraft, and enough has changed to keep me entertained. Started working early morning to 3PM - so have my afternoon's back, and want to get some years old projects done.

    I haven't lost a shoe to a dog yet. That being said, I put my shoes in a safe place.

    Now that's a good open-ended

    question. I've got 8 minutes left in our offsite break - so will tackle this one tonight.

    I really enjoyed the variations of stone historically. Having a ton of different options with one type of block was wonderful. Looks like there's more of those themes now - I'm enjoying the concrete blocks.

    Aikar explained this well. If you explain your ideas to a duck, you end up uncovering assumptions. It's a pretty common standard now - with teams of ducks out there helping people find bugs.

    I eat quite a bit of eggs - sunny side up prefered. I like the mob eggs in minecraft as well - as well as the spawnability of a chicken at distance throwing an egg.

    Time's up! Will check in tonight!
    mba2012, Sydney_43, __Devil_ and 7 others like this.
  6. OMG <3
    MoreMoople likes this.
  7. You and Moose will get along nicely.
  8. We already do ;D He loves my +heads shop on 8 :D
    MoreMoople likes this.
  9. Welcome Back! :D

    Just curious on your opinion on sports (favorite teams / sports if any)
  10. Will you be staff again?
  11. This one I can answer. He's actually still senior staff in-game. His forums rank was just removed to prevent confusion in the staff list. It's up to him if he wants to resume the actual tasks or not. He's got some re-training to do if so :p
  12. would his rank be senior staff in training? like how new mods are mods in training? xD
  13. Not really since he can just yell for the right answer across the room ,or text me at anytime. It would just be a re-training to adjust his mind to what the rules were/are now. There have been some changes in the way things are ran behind the scenes that he knows about, he's just never had to put into practice.

    Note, this is assuming he even wants to deal with the other SS tasks. If not, he'll just remain as he is now.
    FadedMartian, MoreMoople and 607 like this.
  14. Ok :) i was just curious

    Oh yeah if you yell you will scare your pets :p
    MoreMoople and Krysyy like this.
  15. Welcome back! What's your job? :)
    Tuqueque, FadedMartian and MoreMoople like this.
  16. Welcome back!
    When was the last time you were on ingame?
  17. Gimme all your dragon eggs I know you got one or two lieing around somewhere...
  18. Both are co-owned by krysyy, so situations like these dont happen =P

    Well my question is... have you thought of having a fresh start on EMC?
    607, MoreMoople and FadedMartian like this.
  19. Welcome back and are you really working early morning to 3pm or late at night into the middle of the day?
  20. These are some great questions! Have time to answer another batch.

    Whew, where to begin? I like the block highly - the rarety, the sense of accomplishment in acquiring one - both when I did on EMC and if you play through the "story" of minecraft. As far as the originals, Krysyy and I were addicted to EMC for a time as players (before we were ever staff) and we played non-stop prior to the dragon egg auctions to buy the first egg that came up to auction (SMP4) for 84k. Ended up loaning Ranisma(sp?) 30k or so after to buy SMP2's egg. Ended up paying off, we bought it from him a year later for 300k. My logic was pretty simple - I wasn't going to have another shot to get these dragon eggs, but would always have a shot to get rupees.

    Got SMP4's for Krysyy for valentines day (nerdy right?), and we split the SMP2 egg rupees wise when we bought it. So technically speaking she owns 1.5 and I own half of one. I'll play the married card here in my favor and say we bought own 2 :)

    Haha - sometimes. That being said, we all have our hobbies / obsessions. I have a lot of warhammer/D&D/pathfinder models, a fair number of firearms, and drive an impractical car - so as long and she doesn't give me too much trouble for those, I don't really have a right to give her any trouble for Dr. Who stuff :)

    I'm not really big on watching sports. I played football in high school team wise. I've played tennis a good majority of my life and was competitive in college playing badminton. That being said, I haven't gotten into watching sports much. I don't watch much TV outside of a few select shows - and typically when I watch TV I'm either doing something else, or I'll fall asleep during the show.

    Yikes, tough question... Krysyy explained well the training aspect of it. Over the last few days I've probably asked her 100 questions about what command does what. I'm not necessarily qualified anymore without some training on what's changed and what I've forgotten. There's also a lot of player based improvements (like anti-grief, and muting) that are new since my last time through. Last I was staff, there was ban/tempban, and will take some getting used to on what's the appropriate punishment now.

    TLDR: I'm not sure yet. I'd like to get the projects I left unfinished done, and then see where that takes me inspirationally.

    I'm an IT Director. If I had to summarize the job description, I basically am the person accountable for making sure all things infrastructure, software, and technology work in the business, are paid for in a manner suitable for the business and don't cost too much. I'm overhead, which is a simple way of saying I do very little hands-on work, it's mostly meetings, planning, and coaching/providing opportunities for the people in my organization - my team are the true experts in technology (I'm getting more and more rusty on technical things each day).

    I'm not sure without access to the logging system (krysyy could probably say for sure). Ballpark - 2 years ago was probably my last poke around, but it's probably been 3 since I was "active".

    I've thought about it. Right now - I'm using the resources I have from being around for a long time / former senior staff to get these community based projects done. When I'm done with those, I'm not sure it would be the right thing to start from scratch from a permissions perspective. I'd see an issue with me having an account that actively participates in the economy (selling items), or plays legit, when I have access to login to another account and play creative or could yell across the house to one of the admins. That's a consideration for anyone out there who dreams of being a senior staff one day, that I probably didn't fully consider when I accepted it.

    My work provides lunch - so typically I don't go anywhere and eat lunch at my desk as long as I'm happy with the food choice. My normal schedule is 7AM-3PM but that's what I'd call "office hours". A few questions up, I explained what I do. Part of being accountable to something is that it is your duty / job to make sure something gets done. There's days where I could honestly get everything I need to do done on 1 hour of work, and there's days where 18 hours wouldn't cut it. At the end of the day, I highly enjoy my work and seeing people on my team grow into experts I'll one day be calling to explain these new technologies to me :)

    Food is here, just it time for me to finish these up. Good timing I suppose on my part.