Rare promos and where they've ended up?!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DubChef, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. I'm not a penguin >.>
  2. Looks like penguins old picture :eek: sorry Dufne
    kaptrix likes this.
  3. I was always the Goatuin (except that one time where I wasn't, in which case I wasn't goatuin)
    607 and PenguinDJ like this.
  4. Yeah lol, I was confused why you quoted her. :p
    607, DubChef and Dufne like this.
  5. Thanks, shrub/bush.

    Anyways, I have 1 Tales of Eternia
  6. I have dragon poop and super dragon poop, promo instructions, Valentines's Gift, Aikar 12/23/13 drop party head, and an Orange Krysyy head. I duno if that is what you are looking for.
    DubChef, 607, ThaKloned and 1 other person like this.
  7. nice collection id certainly love to own them xD did you get dropped the heads or ?
  8. I got all of them first hand. I am unwilling to part with them. They are view-able, however at /v seffychan 3 museum
    BanditLM likes this.
  9. that's not what your penguin brother says..
  10. lol, interesting that I am not on any of the lists of the items that I own personally, even though it is pretty public knowledge of what items I have if someone were to gumshoe it.. :p
    607 likes this.
  11. You All are so lucky the best I have is the 4th of july firework ;-; XD
  12. they only get posted here if you say what you have in the thread.
    607 and FDNY21 like this.
  13. What about book of colors thats rare?
  14. No it was just sold at /shop alongside a regular promo, it's not that rare.
  15. Ive only seen a few
  16. They're out there if you look hard enough. MANY players bought one or more, as they only cost 16k, a fairly small amount for an item that could only be bought in the /shop. I've only seen a few Ore Busters, but there are players out there with massive stockpiles of them. :p
  17. But they were widely available, and thus I wouldn't classify them as a super rare.
    607 likes this.