Rare promos and where they've ended up?!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DubChef, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. Hard to find but alas not rare enough for this list. I've seen multiple completed sets, it's just no one wants to sell certain items of it haha! Bulletproof vests owners especially :(
    kaptrix and 607 like this.
  2. My ICC eggnog still has not been added.
    DubChef likes this.
  3. I have Maxarian Shoes.
    DubChef likes this.
  4. Apologies, added now.
    kaptrix likes this.
  5. I recently got my first set :3 the armour alone costed me 1.3
    DubChef likes this.
  6. Yes they're expensive, but they don't have a definite number of how many there are.
    607 and DubChef like this.
  7. hasn't been added yet ;)
    DubChef likes this.
  8. WHat birthday head is that listed for ? I thought Aikar dropped more then 16 this year
  9. I dont believe so effin, according to wiki it was 16 dropped and i believe i saw Aikar mention there was only 16 going too.

    Adding! Gosh I'm getting slow haha!
    Edit : Wont be adding purple kryssy heads, can do if people want, otherwise this may just turn purely into a heads thread as i know chin has a couple of rare heads going as well.
    kaptrix likes this.
  10. Im almost positive he dropped more. Ill look into that.
    DubChef likes this.
  11. If you could and could let me know that would be wonderful :) thank you!
    kaptrix likes this.
  12. These were bought from someone, so Dub's list needs to remove who they were bought from, since these are limited at the time.

    As for some random special items I own:
    Maxarian Shoes
    Arena Blade #2
    Arena Bow #1
    ICC head from EMCon for Child's Play charity, one of 2 (kevdudeman owned second)
    75% of 2 Original Dragon eggs (it's a technical fact that is very important) =P
    2013 Crafta Award
    607, DubChef and Bayymaxx like this.
  13. Thank you Kryssy. I'll add them all now :)
    Edit : The dragon eggs, who is the other co owned with just so i can make the list look pretty? :p
    kaptrix likes this.
  14. The person of which I acquired them was not on the list before.
  15. Ignoramoose. He owns 25% of each original dragon egg and a unanimous decision is required to sell them/make them prizes. Basically his way of making sure I don't give them away =P
    There are more people on the list than shoes handed out i believe, so something is out of date.
    DubChef likes this.
  16. There were 4 at the original party and 5 more at the 80k party, so 9 in total right? We are still missing owners, in fact :p
    DubChef likes this.
  17. This should technically be Ignoramoose owns 25% of two eggs and krysyy owns 75% of two eggs.
  18. My stuff still hasn't been added, I own 1 of everything except for the longbow and the original dragon egg
    DubChef likes this.
  19. I have a Happy birthday emc! and 2 2015 aikar heads :D
    Patr1cV likes this.
  20. I have an Arena Longbow, Edition #004. :)
    BanditLM likes this.